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tv show songs

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# 1 21 years ago

I need to know the name and artist of the songs in alias(feb. 2 2003)episode and kingpin(feb.2 2003). All the songs played during these two episodes. Thanks.
# 2 21 years ago

if you want the music from Alias -- go to and select 'Alias' from their list of shows. Then there is a link for 'inside info' and you can select 'music' from different episodes. As of this writing, the 2/2/03 ep. music isn't listed yet, but it looks like they keep the stuff pretty current and updated.
good luck!
michelle. -- ask your music questions here too!!
> I need to know the name and artist of the songs in alias(feb. 2 2003)episode and kingpin(feb.2 2003). All the songs played during these two episodes. Thanks.

# 3 21 years ago

if you want the music from Alias -- go to and select 'Alias' from their list of shows. Then there is a link for 'inside info' and you can select 'music' from different episodes. As of this writing, the 2/2/03 ep. music isn't listed yet, but it looks like they keep the stuff pretty current and updated.
good luck!
michelle. -- ask your music questions here too!!
> I need to know the name and artist of the songs in alias(feb. 2 2003)episode and kingpin(feb.2 2003). All the songs played during these two episodes. Thanks.

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