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Naked Basketball Commercial

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# 1 22 years ago

Has anyone seen this spot for a fitness company? Its a naked guy playing basketball. Possibly the funniest commercial I have ever seen and I have only seen it once, at a bar in Hermosa Beach. Please help me!!!
# 2 22 years ago

It was on last night (03-01-02) on 'The funniest Commercials you've Never Seen and Some You Have'. I thought it was hilarious and have been looking for a copy of it, but I haven't had any luck.

# 3 22 years ago

Ya its made by Yard fitness but i can find it either, if someone gets a link to it pls post up
# 4 22 years ago

i know exactly what your talking about .. ive seen it like once .. but ive never seen it again.. it was the funniest fucking thing ive ever seen.. e specialy at the end where he dunks all over those two guys and is hella hanging from the rim like hes a bad ass
# 5 21 years ago

> Has anyone seen this spot for a fitness company? Its a naked guy playing basketball. Possibly the funniest commercial I have ever seen and I have only seen it once, at a bar in Hermosa Beach. Please help me!!!
ive seen it and i really want to see it again ive been looking for it forever. it was on worlds greatest commercials on cbs.

# 6 21 years ago

I too am looking for this awesome commercial. I laughed my ass off. I saw it during one of those specials honoring the worlds best commercials or something.
> Has anyone seen this spot for a fitness company? Its a naked guy playing basketball. Possibly the funniest commercial I have ever seen and I have only seen it once, at a bar in Hermosa Beach. Please help me!!!

# 7 21 years ago

> Has anyone seen this spot for a fitness company? Its a naked guy playing basketball. Possibly the funniest commercial I have ever seen and I have only seen it once, at a bar in Hermosa Beach. Please help me!!!
I have this at is definitely the funniest thing I've ever seen....I'm trying to find it on the web to avoid sending it home and having the info security police lock me up....

# 8 21 years ago

> Has anyone seen this spot for a fitness company? Its a naked guy playing basketball. Possibly the funniest commercial I have ever seen and I have only seen it once, at a bar in Hermosa Beach. Please help me!!!
I just got this in AVI format. Do you have an email address? I can send it to you. IT RULES!
# 9 21 years ago

I saw it for the first time last night. I am in the process of obtaining it. Do you want the file?
# 10 21 years ago

> Has anyone seen this spot for a fitness company? Its a naked guy playing basketball. Possibly the funniest commercial I have ever seen and I have only seen it once, at a bar in Hermosa Beach. Please help me!!!

# 11 21 years ago


# 12 21 years ago

They showed it on WGN this morning, but I didn't get info. Looks like it's on the web somewhere. Let me know if you find it.

# 13 21 years ago

> Has anyone seen this spot for a fitness company? Its a naked guy playing basketball. Possibly the funniest commercial I have ever seen and I have only seen it once, at a bar in Hermosa Beach. Please help me!!!
It's at
# 14 20 years ago
# 15 20 years ago

I have a copy of this commercial if anyone wants it. Email me to get a copy at

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