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Dentyne Ice commercial...

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# 16 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song in the new Dentyne Ice commercial?
It's called 'Way You Walk' by the Papas Fritas

The one in the subway. The song playing is sung by a female and a male.
> Thanks for any help!

# 17 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song in the new Dentyne Ice commercial? The one in the subway. The song playing is sung by a female and a male.
> Thanks for any help!
-song is 'Way you Walk' by Papas Fritas
# 18 21 years ago

I love the girls haircut and am also trying to get a picture.
Let me know where to find one. Thanks. -Nena
# 19 21 years ago

I too, have been searching the web for any photos of the Dentyne Ice Subway Ad, because I want the haircut, and I have come up with nothing but stuff like this so far!

# 20 21 years ago

The name of the song is: 'Way You Walk' by Papas Fritas

# 21 21 years ago

by Papas Fritas
(from album 'Buildings & Grounds', released in 2000)
MP3 sample at
I can tell by the way you walk you wanna be alone with him
Cause you're pacing at an open door, you're waiting and you can't come in
Why do you make up all these stories
Made up your mind, decided for me
I can tell by the way you walk you wanna be alone with him
When you called me on the telephone I knew that you were miles away
'Cause the words that you said to me weren't hiding what you couldn't say
Plans sort of changed up for the weekend
Friend came to town been years since I seen him
I can tell by the way you talk you wanna be alone with him
Ooo Ooo alone with him.
He was in my dreams
What else could it mean
When you laugh at me behind my back I'll turn and you can run away
Will you tell him all the special things you told me you could never say
I never said I'd be yours only, I didn't know until you told me
If I go I won't be lonely, If I stay now you don't own me
I can tell by the way you smile your love is changing on a whim
Maybe I will and maybe I won't
Maybe I do and maybe I don't

# 22 21 years ago

Did you end up finding that picture of the girl? I want her haircut too!
# 23 21 years ago

The song is 'The Way You Walk' by Papas Fritas
E Kroh
>> Does anyone know the name of the song in the new Dentyne Ice commercial? The one in the subway. The song playing is sung by a female and a male.
>> Thanks for any help!

# 24 21 years ago

Does anyone know who the guy is (the one without a pen) in the Dentyne Ice 'Subway' commercial?
# 25 20 years ago

I'm also looking for a picture of the girl in the Dentyne Ice commercial (in subway). I also need a photo of her haircut.
Thanks for any help!

# 26 20 years ago

The girl in the Dentyne Ice subway commercial is Ashley Scott. You can see her at Ashely Scott Haven.

# 27 20 years ago

its 'papas fritas - way you walk'.
# 28 20 years ago

> :papas fritas ....way you walk
# 29 20 years ago

It's a great song -- Papas Fritas, 'Way You Walk'
# 30 20 years ago

> : Does anyone know the name of the song in the new Dentyne Ice commercial? The one in the subway. The song playing is sung by a female and a male.
>> Thanks for any help!

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