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twix commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

i just saw the new twix commercial where the news studio dances around in the studio i was wondering if anyone knew the song thatplays in the commercial it sounds like andrew wk but i'm not sure
# 2 21 years ago

I garauntee its andrew wk, probably hired to write a piece just for the commercial. Doubt youll find it on any upcoming albums though.

# 3 19 years ago

>I have seen the new twix commercial where the beautiful thick black girl with the big butt asks her husband do these pants make me look fat. I am in aw of the lady in the commercial and I must find out her name and if she has a web page, if anyone knows please let me know.
# 4 19 years ago

>I have seen the new twix commercial where the beautiful thick black girl with the big butt asks her husband do these pants make me look fat. I am in aw of the lady in the commercial and I must find out her name and if she has a web page, if anyone knows please let me know.
# 5 19 years ago

>I have seen the new twix commercial where the beautiful thick black girl with the big butt asks her husband do these pants make me look fat. I am in aw of the lady in the commercial and I must find out her name and if she has a web page, if anyone knows please let me know.
# 6 18 years ago

> >I have seen the new twix commercial where the beautiful thick black girl with the big butt asks her husband do these pants make me look fat. I am in aw of the lady in the commercial and I must find out her name and if she has a web page, if anyone knows please let me know.
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