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# 1 21 years ago

*please* help me with this song. it's on the new outlander commercial. it has a black guy in his car and it show him driving like with friends, with his wife and rose petals, and her pregnant and stuff and the song goes somthing like ' just breathe.. just believe'
thanks a bunch for any help!
# 2 21 years ago

Telepopmusik-'Breathe.'. your welcome
# 3 21 years ago

> *please* help me with this song. it's on the new outlander commercial. it has a black guy in his car and it show him driving like with friends, with his wife and rose petals, and her pregnant and stuff and the song goes somthing like ' just breathe.. just believe'
: thanks a bunch for any help!
The song is called Just breath by telepop
# 4 21 years ago

> *please* help me with this song. it's on the new outlander commercial. it has a black guy in his car and it show him driving like with friends, with his wife and rose petals, and her pregnant and stuff and the song goes somthing like ' just breathe.. just believe'
: thanks a bunch for any help!
The song is called Just breath by telepop
# 5 20 years ago

> : *please* help me with this song. it's on the new outlander commercial. it has a black guy in his car and it show him driving like with friends, with his wife and rose petals, and her pregnant and stuff and the song goes somthing like ' just breathe.. just believe'
:> thanks a bunch for any help!
> The song is called Just breath by telepop

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