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Heavy background music: Honda commercial?

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# 1 21 years ago

there's 2 or 3 different commercials, one with 2 guys jousting on mountian bikes, one with idiots jumping into a frozen lake then trying to get out quickly, and one with a guy boarding down a dirt cliff/mountain on a wheeled-surfboard sort of thing..then it shows the couple saying something like 'That does'nt look fun' or similar...anybody know which ones I'm talking about?
Studio band or ? Where can I get those actual sound clips?
Adios thanks
# 2 21 years ago

Hey man, i dunno if anyone will read this but I know the commercials you are talking about....ive been trying to find that song for so long now...Hopefully this will bump the thread and someone will see it and know who the band is....Thanks!
# 3 21 years ago

First of all I have done this several times with my friends. Plus the way they do is pretty safe compared to tall bike jousting. This is done on 5 ft bikes with no armor and no armor. Plus most of the time they are on concrete
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