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# 1 18 years ago

whats the remix version called? who is it by...
sometimes heard on bbc3
kinda goes (makes a fool out of herself attempting to sing it through words lol)

i was 5 and he was 6
we rode our horses made of sticks
he wore black and i wore white
he would always win the fight
bang bang he shot me
bang bang fell straight2the ground
bang bang that awful sound
bang band my baby shot me ...dwon down de de down down LOL and so on (the beat comes in just there) pleaaaaaaaaaaase help me
# 2 18 years ago

> whats the remix version called? who is it by...
> sometimes heard on bbc3
> kinda goes (makes a fool out of herself attempting to sing it through words lol)
> i was 5 and he was 6
> we rode our horses made of sticks
> he wore black and i wore white
> he would always win the fight
> bang bang he shot me
> bang bang fell straight2the ground
> bang bang that awful sound
> bang band my baby shot me ...dwon down de de down down LOL and so on (the beat comes in just there) pleaaaaaaaaaaase help me
# 3 18 years ago

Yeah i am wondering this myself.
I know that the original track is from Nancy Sinatra.
Its called bang bang my baby shot me down.
A friend of mine plays record on turntables and he played the remix version of it with some mixing of his own last week.So he probably knows the name.If you e-mail me at my mail then i will look into it for you.I want the track as well so maybe we can help each other out ;) :)
# 4 18 years ago

> whats the remix version called? who is it by...
> sometimes heard on bbc3
> kinda goes (makes a fool out of herself attempting to sing it through words lol)
> i was 5 and he was 6
> we rode our horses made of sticks
> he wore black and i wore white
> he would always win the fight
> bang bang he shot me
> bang bang fell straight2the ground
> bang bang that awful sound
> bang band my baby shot me ...dwon down de de down down LOL and so on (the beat comes in just there) pleaaaaaaaaaaase help me

got it "Tremendo - Bang" :) sweet tune
# 5 18 years ago

Audio Bullys - Shot you down
A remix of Nancy Sinatra's original song featured in the Kill Bill soundtrack.
# 6 18 years ago

it's "bang bang" by audio bullys featuring nancy sinatra. you can download it from the audio bullys website.

there's also a remix by lee cabrera but i don't think that's the one on bbc3.

happy listening
# 7 18 years ago

hey, yeah the remix version is by audio bullys and is called 'shot you down'. i think its been released now, so good luck. hope i was of some help. sarah x
# 8 18 years ago

Not sure if you have the song, but it's the Audio Bulleys Remix, of the Nancy Sinatra Bang Bang song.
# 9 18 years ago

Think its
Audio Bullys feat nancy sinatra - shot you down
# 10 18 years ago

Hi Anba,

I think it's...

Audio Bullys Ft: Nancy Sinatra - Shot You Down (Bang Bang)

# 11 18 years ago

Audio Bullys Ft: Nancy Sinatra -
Shot You Down (Bang Bang)
# 12 18 years ago

> whats the remix version called? who is it by...
> sometimes heard on bbc3
> kinda goes (makes a fool out of herself attempting to sing it through words lol)
> i was 5 and he was 6
> we rode our horses made of sticks
> he wore black and i wore white
> he would always win the fight
> bang bang he shot me
> bang bang fell straight2the ground
> bang bang that awful sound
> bang band my baby shot me ...dwon down de de down down LOL and so on (the beat comes in just there) pleaaaaaaaaaaase help me
# 13 18 years ago

Nick McAteer
Are you thinking of 'shot you down' by the Audio Bullys and Nancy Sinatra?
# 14 18 years ago

> Audio Bullys - Shot you down
> A remix of Nancy Sinatra's original song featured in the Kill Bill soundtrack.
# 15 18 years ago

i was having the same trouble with this song, it was on in every club i went into and it would be in my head for a week after. After embarrassing myself by trying to sing renditions of it to my friends and family in public places, i decided to try and find out who it's by so i can buy it, learn the words and ultimately look cool!! It so worked!!
The remix is by the audio bullies the same guys who did "we don't care".
you've probably already found this out, but cheers for reading my boring pap!!

> whats the remix version called? who is it by...
> sometimes heard on bbc3
> kinda goes (makes a fool out of herself attempting to sing it through words lol)
> i was 5 and he was 6
> we rode our horses made of sticks
> he wore black and i wore white
> he would always win the fight
> bang bang he shot me
> bang bang fell straight2the ground
> bang bang that awful sound
> bang band my baby shot me ...dwon down de de down down LOL and so on (the beat comes in just there) pleaaaaaaaaaaase help me
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