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Bailey's Irish Cream commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

Hey, does anybody know the name of the song from that Bailey's Irish Cream commercial? The lyrics are 'to catch a thief', and it has this blond lady and three guys playing pool. One of them drinks her glass of bailey's and she figures out who did it by kissing him. If anybody knows, thanks! and btw, 'Twelve Caesars - I'm gonna kick you out' is a kickass song from the smirnoff ice laundromat commercial.
# 2 18 years ago

hello - i've got the answer to your question(i think) and i only stumbled on this whilst browsing for a different question on the advert.
i've been listening to "Nathaniel Merriweather - Music to make love to your old lady by" - a brilliant trip-hop album with collaborations from Damon Albarn and dan the automator and so on. there's a sexy track on it called "to catch a thief" with vocals from vocalist from fields of the nepheliumumum or something (do an amazon serch for the album for details). drop me a line and i'll send you the mp3.
BUT can you answer this question - WHO is the Lady in the advert??? (and does she want to marry me)
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