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Nike Jason Kidd Commercial music?

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know the music playing in the Nike shoe spot with JKidd. He is driving to the arena talking about only being able to pass when he was a kid.
# 2 21 years ago

:The music in the Jason Kidd ad is from The Meters, a song called 'Thinking.' The vocals are overdubbed onto the instrumental, but I don't know who does the singing.

# 3 21 years ago

i would also like to know the information for that song!!
> Does anyone know the music playing in the Nike shoe spot with JKidd. He is driving to the arena talking about only being able to pass when he was a kid.

# 4 21 years ago

I just saw that commercial and that beat was tight! All I heard was some guy singing 'I woke up Sunday morning.' Hope that helps, and if someone knows the answer post it here!!!

# 5 21 years ago

I just saw that commercial and that beat was tight! All I heard was some guy singing 'I woke up Sunday morning.' Hope that helps, and if someone knows the answer post it here!!!

# 6 21 years ago

I just saw that commercial and that beat is tight! The guy in it sings 'I woke up Sunday morning.' Good luck finding it!

# 7 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the music playing in the Nike shoe spot with JKidd. He is driving to the arena talking about only being able to pass when he was a kid.

# 8 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the music playing in the Nike shoe spot with JKidd. He is driving to the arena talking about only being able to pass when he was a kid.
eventhough the riff sounds like the meters it is not. It is ARTIST: Musiq // SONG: Religous (on Def Jam label)

# 9 21 years ago

It is a sample from a Meters song, but I am not sure the name...sorry

# 10 21 years ago

Dominik W
> Does anyone know the music playing in the Nike shoe spot with JKidd. He is driving to the arena talking about only being able to pass when he was a kid.

# 11 21 years ago

> It is a sample from a Meters song, but I am not sure the name...sorry
thanks, Barry below says its called 'thinking'. My husband heard it and he is wanted to also know who it was, very tight beat.
# 12 21 years ago

Original Artist: The Meters
Original song title: 'Thinking'
Vocal Version remix: 'Religious'
Artist: Musiq
# 13 21 years ago

> : It is a sample from a Meters song, but I am not sure the name...sorry
> thanks, Barry below says its called 'thinking'. My husband heard it and he is wanted to also know who it was, very tight beat.
> Thanks,
it's d'angelo singing i think but i can't find anything by him that i havn't heard yet on kazaa

# 14 21 years ago

aww man. you made my day. It was driving me insane looking for that song.

# 15 21 years ago

The Meters song is called THINKING
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