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Holland America song

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# 1 21 years ago

who does the song with the female vocals from the Holland America ads? I know the song but can't remebber for the life of me.
# 2 21 years ago

> who does the song with the female vocals from the Holland America ads? I know the song but can't remebber for the life of me.
i think the song your thinking of is called 'sail away' and its sung by Enya.
# 3 21 years ago

> who does the song with the female vocals from the Holland America ads? I know the song but can't remebber for the life of me.
The song your looking for is not by Enya.
It's called 'Edge Of The Ocean' and it's performed by 'Ivy' you can find it on Kazaa.
It was also used in the Movie Shallow Hal (the part where he's talking to that chick in the Taxi Cab) but for some reason they didnt include it in the soundtrack.
Hope this helps ;-)

# 4 21 years ago

> who does the song with the female vocals from the Holland America ads? I know the song but can't remebber for the life of me.
It is 'Edge of the Ocean', by Ivy.
# 5 21 years ago

> : who does the song with the female vocals from the Holland America ads? I know the song but can't remebber for the life of me.
> i think the song your thinking of is called 'sail away' and its sung by Enya.
> it's not Enya, at least it's not 'Sail Away'. I'm trying to find out who it is too.
# 6 21 years ago

> who does the song with the female vocals from the Holland America ads? I know the song but can't remebber for the life of me.
It's 'Edge of the Ocean' by Ivy
# 7 21 years ago

Mike Kercher
> : who does the song with the female vocals from the Holland America ads? I know the song but can't remebber for the life of me.
> i think the song your thinking of is called 'sail away' and its sung by Enya.
Nope. It's 'Edge of the Ocean' by Ivy- a NY trio of 2 guys and a french girl married to one of them. And she's as pretty as she sings.

# 8 21 years ago

> who does the song with the female vocals from the Holland America ads? I know the song but can't remebber for the life of me.

# 9 21 years ago

> who does the song with the female vocals from the Holland America ads? I know the song but can't remebber for the life of me.
I think I know what you're talking about if it's the new commercial then the song is called
'Edge of the Ocean' by a band called Ivy. This is one of the best songs left off of the Shallow Hal soundtrack as well. Hope this helps.
Chris Heathman

# 10 20 years ago

Ack, no... thats deffinately not enya... you'r waaaay off

# 11 20 years ago

# 12 20 years ago

> who does the song with the female vocals from the Holland America ads? I know the song but can't remebber for the life of me.

# 13 20 years ago

I am trying to find out waht is also, I know it is not 'Sail Away.'

# 14 20 years ago

> : who does the song with the female vocals from the Holland America ads? I know the song but can't remebber for the life of me.
> i think the song your thinking of is called 'sail away' and its sung by Enya.
It's not 'sail away,' and it's not by Enya. It goes 'oooh we could begin again, shed our skin, let the sun shine in...' I think it's a British group--maybe The Cardigans??--not sure, though. I'm searching, too!
# 15 20 years ago

> : who does the song with the female vocals from the Holland America ads? I know the song but can't remebber for the life of me.
> i think the song your thinking of is called 'sail away' and its sung by Enya.
Actually, I just got a reply back from Holland America, The song that is played on its recent television commercial is 'The Edge of the Ocean, performed by 'Ivy'.
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