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pic of the short haired girl on the john frieda commercial

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# 16 18 years ago

I would like the same, too!
Thanks so much!

> Can you PLEASE send me pictures of the short haired girl from the john frieda brilliant brunette commercial to me. (all views, front, back, and both sides).PLEASE! I've been looking everywhere for them.
> Thank you so much
# 17 18 years ago

> Can you PLEASE send me pictures of the short haired girl from the john frieda brilliant brunette commercial to me. (all views, front, back, and both sides).PLEASE! I've been looking everywhere for them.
> Thank you so much
# 18 18 years ago

> Can you PLEASE send me pictures of the short haired girl from the john frieda brilliant brunette commercial to me. (all views, front, back, and both sides).PLEASE! I've been looking everywhere for them.
> Thank you so much
# 19 18 years ago

did you get one cos i need it too.
# 20 18 years ago

> Can you PLEASE send me pictures of the short haired girl from the john frieda brilliant brunette commercial to me. (all views, front, back, and both sides).PLEASE! I've been looking everywhere for them.
> Thank you so much
# 21 18 years ago

> Can you PLEASE send me pictures of the short haired girl from the john frieda brilliant brunette commercial to me. (all views, front, back, and both sides).PLEASE! I've been looking everywhere for them.
> Thank you so much
# 22 18 years ago

> > Can you PLEASE send me pictures of the short haired girl from the john frieda brilliant brunette commercial to me. (all views, front, back, and both sides).PLEASE! I've been looking everywhere for them.
> > Thank you so much
# 23 18 years ago

> Can you PLEASE send me pictures of the short haired girl from the john frieda brilliant brunette commercial to me. (all views, front, back, and both sides).PLEASE! I've been looking everywhere for them.
> Thank you so much
# 24 18 years ago

> Can you PLEASE send me pictures of the short haired girl from the john frieda brilliant brunette commercial to me. (all views, front, back, and both sides).PLEASE! I've been looking everywhere for them.
> Thank you so much
me 2!!!
# 25 18 years ago

> Can you PLEASE send me pictures of the short haired girl from the john frieda brilliant brunette commercial to me. (all views, front, back, and both sides).PLEASE! I've been looking everywhere for them.
> Thank you so much
# 26 18 years ago

> Can you PLEASE send me pictures of the short haired girl from the john frieda brilliant brunette commercial to me. (all views, front, back, and both sides).PLEASE! I've been looking everywhere for them.
> Thank you so much
# 27 18 years ago

> > Can you PLEASE send me pictures of the short haired girl from the john frieda brilliant brunette commercial to me. (all views, front, back, and both sides).PLEASE! I've been looking everywhere for them.
> > Thank you so much
# 28 18 years ago

> Can you PLEASE send me pictures of the short haired girl from the john frieda brilliant brunette commercial to me. (all views, front, back, and both sides).PLEASE! I've been looking everywhere for them.
> Thank you so much
# 29 18 years ago

> Can you PLEASE send me pictures of the short haired girl from the john frieda brilliant brunette commercial to me. (all views, front, back, and both sides).PLEASE! I've been looking everywhere for them.
> Thank you so much
# 30 18 years ago

> > Can you PLEASE send me pictures of the short haired girl from the john frieda brilliant brunette commercial to me. (all views, front, back, and both sides).PLEASE! I've been looking everywhere for them.
> > Thank you so much
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