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SBC Yahoo (?) Commercial with Guy and Wife in Car and Wife Turns Off Music So Guy Runs Into House To Turn It Back On

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# 1 18 years ago

Does anyone know that song from the SBC Yahoo (?) Commercial where this guy and his wife are driving and he's listening to this song (which is really good, BTW) and then when they reach their house, she turns the car off, so he runs to the house to his computer then he starts watching that music video. I think it's from SBC Yahoo Internet. It's been bugging me for quite some time. Can someone please tell me the name of the song and the artist? Thanks, I really appreciate this!
# 2 18 years ago

> Does anyone know that song from the SBC Yahoo (?) Commercial where this guy and his wife are driving and he's listening to this song (which is really good, BTW) and then when they reach their house, she turns the car off, so he runs to the house to his computer then he starts watching that music video. I think it's from SBC Yahoo Internet. It's been bugging me for quite some time. Can someone please tell me the name of the song and the artist? Thanks, I really appreciate this!
# 3 18 years ago

Actually I am not sure of this commercial's music, but I am looking for the music to the SBC commercial that shows the husband waking up to music on his alarm clock, and the wife turns it off. He then looks it up on the internet, but they never credit the artist. I have searched everywhere for this music and I have not heard it anywhere except the local NPR radio station. I'll make sure to listen tot he other commercial again when I see it to see if I recognize it.

# 4 18 years ago

Layla,eric clapton
# 5 18 years ago

> Does anyone know that song from the SBC Yahoo (?) Commercial where this guy and his wife are driving and he's listening to this song (which is really good, BTW) and then when they reach their house, she turns the car off, so he runs to the house to his computer then he starts watching that music video. I think it's from SBC Yahoo Internet. It's been bugging me for quite some time. Can someone please tell me the name of the song and the artist? Thanks, I really appreciate this!
# 6 18 years ago

Yah, I look for it also. But what I really want to know is the name of that guitarist that is on the other yahoo (or aol) commercial, the one where the man is suppposed to do his payments r somthin but actually he's listening to this guitarist (the one I'm looking for) and his wife checks up on him once in a while. Please If you know this......HELP ME!!!!!
From, Chelsea
> Actually I am not sure of this commercial's music, but I am looking for the music to the SBC commercial that shows the husband waking up to music on his alarm clock, and the wife turns it off. He then looks it up on the internet, but they never credit the artist. I have searched everywhere for this music and I have not heard it anywhere except the local NPR radio station. I'll make sure to listen tot he other commercial again when I see it to see if I recognize it.
> JN
# 7 18 years ago

Yah, I look for it also. But what I really want to know is the name of that guitarist that is on the other yahoo (or aol) commercial, the one where the man is suppposed to do his payments r somthin but actually he's listening to this guitarist (the one I'm looking for) and his wife checks up on him once in a while. Please If you know this......HELP ME!!!!!
From, Chelsea
> Actually I am not sure of this commercial's music, but I am looking for the music to the SBC commercial that shows the husband waking up to music on his alarm clock, and the wife turns it off. He then looks it up on the internet, but they never credit the artist. I have searched everywhere for this music and I have not heard it anywhere except the local NPR radio station. I'll make sure to listen tot he other commercial again when I see it to see if I recognize it.
> JN
# 8 18 years ago

It's Eric Clapton "Layla"

> Actually I am not sure of this commercial's music, but I am looking for the music to the SBC commercial that shows the husband waking up to music on his alarm clock, and the wife turns it off. He then looks it up on the internet, but they never credit the artist. I have searched everywhere for this music and I have not heard it anywhere except the local NPR radio station. I'll make sure to listen tot he other commercial again when I see it to see if I recognize it.
> JN
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