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the new coca cola commercial

(Messages 16 to 28 of 28 (Page 2 of 2) ) << Last 15 messages Post Reply
# 16 18 years ago

# 17 18 years ago

"Bodyrockers", I think.
# 18 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song where a guy is dancing to a song, that I think is titled "I like the way you move"? Who sings this song? ide like to know the tiltle of the song he sings to and the auther.

# 19 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song where a guy is dancing to a song, that I think is titled "I like the way you move"? Who sings this song?
# 20 18 years ago

Bodyrockers sing it.
# 21 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song where a guy is dancing to a song, that I think is titled "I like the way you move"? Who sings this song?
# 22 18 years ago

Does anyone know the name of the song where a guy is dancing to a song, that I think is titled "I like the way you move"? Who sings this song?

# 23 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of that guy who is dancing to a song, titled "I like the way you move" in the fairly new coke commercial?
# 24 18 years ago

The band is The Body Rockers...and the song name is "I like the way".

Enjoy :)
# 25 18 years ago

It's called "I like the way"
and its by bodyrock.
# 26 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song where a guy is dancing to a song, that I think is titled "I like the way you move"? Who sings this song?

I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you but, if it's the same commercial I'm thinking of (guy in a slim fitting black sut dancing around a loft apartment?), does anyone know if that guy is one of the Polish brothers? The twin filmmakers responsible for NORTHFORK and TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. I swear it's one of them.
# 27 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the song where a guy is dancing to a song, that I think is titled "I like the way you move"? Who sings this song?

Yes, it's by a group called's the Bimbo Jones Delano Remix.
# 28 18 years ago

> i wanna find that song with the black girl singing i wish i could, it really touches me. please find it for me
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