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Help with a song from a car commercial!!!

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# 1 21 years ago

I am looking for the artist or title of a song in a car commercial. It looked like a Eclipse commercial but I am not sure. It aired Wednesday late night on the Sci-Fi channel.
The lyric I captured was:
'Just pray for me...just believe..'
It was slow and lyrical.
Anyone have any clues???
Thank you very much!!
# 2 21 years ago

Group is: Telepopmuzik
Song is: 'Breathe'

# 3 21 years ago

Breathe - by telepopmusic
> I am looking for the artist or title of a song in a car commercial. It looked like a Eclipse commercial but I am not sure. It aired Wednesday late night on the Sci-Fi channel.
> The lyric I captured was:
: 'Just pray for me...just believe..'
> It was slow and lyrical.
> Anyone have any clues???
> Thank you very much!!

# 4 21 years ago

> I am looking for the artist or title of a song in a car commercial. It looked like a Eclipse commercial but I am not sure. It aired Wednesday late night on the Sci-Fi channel.
> The lyric I captured was:
: 'Just pray for me...just believe..'
> It was slow and lyrical.
> Anyone have any clues???
> Thank you very much!!
The song is 'Believe' by Telepopmusik, a French techno group.
# 5 21 years ago

If you are talking about the really mellow electronica-ish sounding, chill-out tune while a black car goes down a steet and you see lots of light reflected off the car, I think the group name of the song is Breath by telepopmusik
happy listening!
# 6 19 years ago

> Group is: Telepopmuzik
> Song is: 'Breathe'
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