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What is that song on the new gatorade commercial?

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# 16 18 years ago

first song is "house of the rising sun" - by the animals
# 17 18 years ago

house of the rising sun by the animals....Great song
# 18 18 years ago

Animal's "House of the Rising Sun"
# 19 17 years ago

I think it's called "I just want to celebrate" by Rare Earth.
# 20 17 years ago

"house of the rising sun" - the animals
# 21 17 years ago

> There is a song on the new gatorade commercial (the one where the austrialian guy is talking about how his body shus down during the end of a race and then he returns to the race and wins the iron man competition the following year) that I can't get out of my head. Ive heard it before but they only play the melody and no words. Then they switch to the "I just want to celebrate" song. But if anyone could tell me what the name of the first song that they play would be greeeaatttly appreciated.

Wish i could help. That song is stuck in my head too.
# 22 18 years ago

The name of the song your interested in is Eric Burdon "House of the Rising Sun". The Celebrate song is Rare Earth "I Just Wanna Celebrate". Hope that helps.
# 23 18 years ago

The song is called "house of the rising sun" its by the rolling stones. But the one in the commercial is an instramental version. Hope i could help u out :p

# 24 18 years ago

>the song is "House of the Rising Sun" I'm not sure whop the artist is, there are many who have sang it.The Doors, Animals, and Cream and many more.
# 25 18 years ago

> There is a song on the new gatorade commercial (the one where the austrialian guy is talking about how his body shus down during the end of a race and then he returns to the race and wins the iron man competition the following year) that I can't get out of my head. Ive heard it before but they only play the melody and no words. Then they switch to the "I just want to celebrate" song. But if anyone could tell me what the name of the first song that they play would be greeeaatttly appreciated.
# 26 18 years ago


I was obsessed too.. but i'm glad i found it

at the bottom they have the commercial for you to see too. ENJOY

> There is a song on the new gatorade commercial (the one where the austrialian guy is talking about how his body shus down during the end of a race and then he returns to the race and wins the iron man competition the following year) that I can't get out of my head. Ive heard it before but they only play the melody and no words. Then they switch to the "I just want to celebrate" song. But if anyone could tell me what the name of the first song that they play would be greeeaatttly appreciated.
# 27 18 years ago

> There is a song on the new gatorade commercial (the one where the austrialian guy is talking about how his body shus down during the end of a race and then he returns to the race and wins the iron man competition the following year) that I can't get out of my head. Ive heard it before but they only play the melody and no words. Then they switch to the "I just want to celebrate" song. But if anyone could tell me what the name of the first song that they play would be greeeaatttly appreciated.
# 28 18 years ago

House of the Rising Sun
# 29 18 years ago

"House of the Rising sun" by The Animals

> There is a song on the new gatorade commercial (the one where the austrialian guy is talking about how his body shus down during the end of a race and then he returns to the race and wins the iron man competition the following year) that I can't get out of my head. Ive heard it before but they only play the melody and no words. Then they switch to the "I just want to celebrate" song. But if anyone could tell me what the name of the first song that they play would be greeeaatttly appreciated.
# 30 18 years ago

House of the rising sun
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