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Mercedes punk song, guy never leaves the car???

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# 1 21 years ago

Its been driving me crazy for months. I think the commercial is called 'Never leave.' I'm sure you've all seen the commercial for the new (I think its the..) E-class Mercedes Benz where the guy never leaves his car. He does everything, errands, backing-down the sidelines of his daughter's soccer game as he cheers...until, at the end, he pulls-up the covers over himself, as if to go to sleep in the driver's seat. (I think his wife is already sleeping in the passenger seat)
It goes something like: 'I' da,da,da,da. Da,da,da,da...'I'....
# 2 21 years ago

> Its been driving me crazy for months. I think the commercial is called 'Never leave.' I'm sure you've all seen the commercial for the new (I think its the..) E-class Mercedes Benz where the guy never leaves his car. He does everything, errands, backing-down the sidelines of his daughter's soccer game as he cheers...until, at the end, he pulls-up the covers over himself, as if to go to sleep in the driver's seat. (I think his wife is already sleeping in the passenger seat)
> It goes something like: 'I' da,da,da,da. Da,da,da,da...'I'....

I believe the band is from the New York City area. The ad agency that produced it was rude and gave me a quick answer that 'We had it custom made for the commercial,' And then 'click,' they hung-up on me.
Maybe someone in Manhattan at least recognizes the sound of the band.

# 3 21 years ago

It's been making me crazy too - I can't believe that was just a custom piece - it's too hooky - someone has got to be out there wanting to capitolize on that. Somebody throw us a bone!
# 4 21 years ago

> : Its been driving me crazy for months. I think the commercial is called 'Never leave.' I'm sure you've all seen the commercial for the new (I think its the..) E-class Mercedes Benz where the guy never leaves his car. He does everything, errands, backing-down the sidelines of his daughter's soccer game as he cheers...until, at the end, he pulls-up the covers over himself, as if to go to sleep in the driver's seat. (I think his wife is already sleeping in the passenger seat)
>> It goes something like: 'I' da,da,da,da. Da,da,da,da...'I'....
: I believe the band is from the New York City area. The ad agency that produced it was rude and gave me a quick answer that 'We had it custom made for the commercial,' And then 'click,' they hung-up on me.
> Maybe someone in Manhattan at least recognizes the sound of the band.
>is it that TRIO song 'da da da'

# 5 21 years ago

It's a made-up studio band called 'Human Music' commissioned specially for Mercedes' ad agency and not available commercially anywhere. They named the song the same as the name of the commercial: 'Living in the E-Class.' [SOURCE: Email from Mercedes' publicity dept.]

# 6 21 years ago

> It's a made-up studio band called 'Human Music' commissioned specially for Mercedes' ad agency and not available commercially anywhere. They named the song the same as the name of the commercial: 'Living in the E-Class.' [SOURCE: Email from Mercedes' publicity dept.]
JDS: Thanks! That explains a lot. Ironic, isn't it, that thousands of bands work their tails off and fail when this non-existent 'band' rips off a catchy non-song in a commercial and then fades into oblivion. Honestly, parts of the advertising industry are so far ahead of the curve in recognizing new music that its a shame they don't have their own mini labels. That way they could make even more money off the music they and their customers choose to use in the commercials we watch, over and over, in prime time.
How many people listen to the radio in prime time? Major labels and the national radio conglomerates have watered down music like never before. I hear more new music through television advertising than I do on the radio! I've also discovered, for myself, incredible music from the 60's and early 70's that I've never heard on the radio. Consider that I'm 32. Now take, for instance, T-Rex's '20th Century Boy(Toy?).' I'm too young to remember that song. Then it appeared in yet another Mitzubishi ad from last year. What oldies station plays that? What a crime.
If cases like that aren't bad enough, consider how many hits have been spawned by tv commercials and NOT radio. Now, its as if the ad firms and ad directors are going to go even further and actually CREATING their own music that could, and should sell. What a shame they don't try!

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