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what is that SONG from the Telus commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

Its a Girl singing and theres a fast paste beat to the song... its pretty catchy. The only thing that i remember from the commercial is that theres a cameleon in it. Please if anybody knows the name of that song write me back! Thank you
# 2 18 years ago

It could be The Aples in Stereo - Signal in the Sky. Are these the lyrics? "Would you like to play a game of hide and seek now?
If you have X-ray eyes please promise no to peek now"....
> Its a Girl singing and theres a fast paste beat to the song... its pretty catchy. The only thing that i remember from the commercial is that theres a cameleon in it. Please if anybody knows the name of that song write me back! Thank you
# 3 18 years ago

Is it that commerical where the girl sings something about playing hide and seek?

# 4 18 years ago

> Try "Deceptacon" by Le Tigre
# 5 18 years ago

the song is "Signal in the Sky (let's go)"
by Apples in the Stereo. it's from the Power Puffs show. Great tune.
# 6 18 years ago

> Its a Girl singing and theres a fast paste beat to the song... its pretty catchy. The only thing that i remember from the commercial is that theres a cameleon in it. Please if anybody knows the name of that song write me back! Thank you

The song i think ur talking about is called "Signal in the Sky (let's go)" by The Apples in Stereo
# 7 18 years ago

That's the song. Just saw the commercial about 30 seconds ago.
# 8 18 years ago

The song is 'Smell the Coffee' by Spek, I'm pretty sure. I know it's in one of the Telus commercials so that's probably it.

> Its a Girl singing and theres a fast paste beat to the song... its pretty catchy. The only thing that i remember from the commercial is that theres a cameleon in it. Please if anybody knows the name of that song write me back! Thank you
# 9 18 years ago

> Its a Girl singing and theres a fast paste beat to the song... its pretty catchy. The only thing that i remember from the commercial is that theres a cameleon in it. Please if anybody knows the name of that song write me back! Thank you

It's called signal in the sky (lets go) by yeah yeah yeahs
# 10 18 years ago

> Its a Girl singing and theres a fast paste beat to the song... its pretty catchy. The only thing that i remember from the commercial is that theres a cameleon in it. Please if anybody knows the name of that song write me back! Thank you

by: le tigre
# 11 18 years ago

I know exactly what ur talking about, i need it too, but i don't know it sry!
# 12 18 years ago

the song is called deceptacon by le tigre
# 13 18 years ago

> Its a Girl singing and theres a fast paste beat to the song... its pretty catchy. The only thing that i remember from the commercial is that theres a cameleon in it. Please if anybody knows the name of that song write me back! Thank you
# 14 18 years ago

> Its a Girl singing and theres a fast paste beat to the song... its pretty catchy. The only thing that i remember from the commercial is that theres a cameleon in it. Please if anybody knows the name of that song write me back! Thank you
# 15 18 years ago

Not sure if you already know this or not, but it's Le Tigres' "Deceptacon". Good song.

> Its a Girl singing and theres a fast paste beat to the song... its pretty catchy. The only thing that i remember from the commercial is that theres a cameleon in it. Please if anybody knows the name of that song write me back! Thank you
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