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Saturn commercial music "Cruzin' with My Boys"

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# 1 18 years ago

I'm trying to find out the artist and name of song for the music playing in the background of the commercial for Saturn's SUV.
# 2 18 years ago

> I'm trying to find out the artist and name of song for the music playing in the background of the commercial for Saturn's SUV.
PLEASE let me know what you find out.... I have my sons working on it too, but no one seems to know.... I want to know the song and artist as well
# 3 18 years ago

> I'm trying to find out the artist and name of song for the music playing in the background of the commercial for Saturn's SUV. The one where the african american father is cruzin with his two sons in the back seat.
# 4 18 years ago

Im trying to find the song in the car commercial that says " She feels better than ever, and were on fire, on our way back from mars".
# 5 18 years ago

> I'm trying to find out the artist and name of song for the music playing in the background of the commercial for Saturn's sky roadster
# 6 18 years ago

did you ever find the artist and the name of the backgound music for the Saturn's SUV commercial
# 7 18 years ago

> did you ever find the artist and the name of the backgound music for the Saturn's SUV commercial
# 8 18 years ago

> > I'm trying to find out the artist and name of song for the music playing in the background of the commercial for Saturn's SUV.
> PLEASE let me know what you find out.... I have my sons working on it too, but no one seems to know.... I want to know the song and artist as well

Who is good!
# 9 18 years ago

> > I'm trying to find out the artist and name of song for the music playing in the background of the commercial for Saturn's SUV.
> PLEASE let me know what you find out.... I have my sons working on it too, but no one seems to know.... I want to know the song and artist as well

Who is good!
# 10 17 years ago

> > I'm trying to find out the artist and name of song for the music playing in the background of the commercial for Saturn's sky roadster
> when you find out, can you please pass the artist / song information to me ?
# 11 17 years ago

It's "So Here We Are" by Bloc Party - from their "Silent Alarm" album.
# 12 17 years ago

It;s called "so here we are" by bloc party
# 13 17 years ago

> > > I'm trying to find out the artist and name of song for the music playing in the background of the commercial for Saturn's sky roadster
> > when you find out, can you please pass the artist / song information to me ?
# 14 16 years ago

> I'm trying to find out the artist and name of song for the music playing in the background of the commercial for Saturn's SUV.
# 15 16 years ago

> > I'm trying to find out the artist and name of song for the music playing in the background of the commercial for Saturn's SUV.
(All 15 messages )

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