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saturn ion commercial song

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# 1 21 years ago

Anyone know what the song is in the new saturn ion commercial? It's the one where the people are in a car driuving through 'childhood' and stop before entering 'old age'.
# 2 21 years ago

That song is 'We've been Had' by the Walkmen.

: Anyone know what the song is in the new saturn ion commercial? It's the one where the people are in a car driuving through 'childhood' and stop before entering 'old age'.
> Thanks!

# 3 21 years ago

> Anyone know what the song is in the new saturn ion commercial? It's the one where the people are in a car driuving through 'childhood' and stop before entering 'old age'.
> Thanks!
Walkmen - We've been had

# 4 21 years ago

Natalie Krista
We spent 4 hours trying to figure out what that song was.. thank you so very much good people of the internet.
~Krista & Natalie
# 5 21 years ago

> Anyone know what the song is in the new saturn ion commercial? It's the one where the people are in a car driuving through 'childhood' and stop before entering 'old age'.
> Thanks!
Yeah it 'the Walkman' and the songs called 'we've been had'. this song rules

# 6 21 years ago

Big P
> Anyone know what the song is in the new saturn ion commercial? It's the one where the people are in a car driuving through 'childhood' and stop before entering 'old age'.
> Thanks!

# 7 21 years ago

Big P
> Anyone know what the song is in the new saturn ion commercial? It's the one where the people are in a car driuving through 'childhood' and stop before entering 'old age'.
> Thanks!

# 8 21 years ago

yeah its called we've been had and its by the walkmen.... trust vme after the first few seconds of the song it goes downhill..

# 9 21 years ago

It's called 'We've Been Had' by the Walkmen. Cool; ain't it?
> Anyone know what the song is in the new saturn ion commercial? It's the one where the people are in a car driuving through 'childhood' and stop before entering 'old age'.
> Thanks!

# 10 21 years ago

Booger Fag
> : Anyone know what the song is in the new saturn ion commercial? It's the one where the people are in a car driuving through 'childhood' and stop before entering 'old age'.
Yes, it's 'We've been had' by the Walkmen, and I'm sorry to say that the song sucks ass after the first 30 seconds or so (the portion in the commercial).
Big disappointment, I was hoping for a Nick Drake type discovery, ala the VW commercial a few years ago.
Oh well, too bad.
# 11 21 years ago

> Anyone know what the song is in the new saturn ion commercial? It's the one where the people are in a car driuving through 'childhood' and stop before entering 'old age'.
> Thanks!
jen - Did you ever find out the name of the song in the commercial?
# 12 21 years ago

It's a song called 'We've Been Had' by The Walkmen
:> Anyone know what the song is in the new saturn ion commercial? It's the one where the people are in a car driuving through 'childhood' and stop before entering 'old age'.
>> Thanks!
> jen - Did you ever find out the name of the song in the commercial?

# 13 21 years ago

we've been the walkmen*

# 14 21 years ago

If we're thinking of the same commercial, it's Brendan Benson's 'Tiny Spark' of Lapalco.
He rocks!

# 15 20 years ago

Lester Vergiss
> Anyone know what the song is in the new saturn ion commercial? It's the one where the people are in a car driuving through 'childhood' and stop before entering 'old age'.
> Thanks!

The song is called 'We've Been Had' and it's played by a group called The Walkmen.

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