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what happend to the dude from the dell comercial

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# 1 21 years ago

please tell me if you like him i think hes hot

and remember dude your getting a dell
# 2 21 years ago

He's still around; I don't think he'd leave. He's a very big plus to the Dell advertisements, due to his growing and pending popularity.

# 3 21 years ago

Dude, I got canned! I shot some of the commercials during the SAG strike, and I lost my SAG Card. Know anyone who needs their pool cleaned? I would be happy sleeping on the couch!
# 4 21 years ago

muhaha! hilarious comment! i hope steve doesn't come back...he's sooooo annoying!

# 5 21 years ago

: please tell me if you like him i think hes hot

I do not think he's 'hot'. However, I do remember hearing reports that Dell decided to put
him on hiatus for a while so as not to 'burn him out'. You can currently see him in the tag of one of the current 'intern' commercials with a 'little brother' signing for a delivery.

# 6 21 years ago

He's at the end of one commercial running today (1/31/2003) receiving 'another Dell' with his little brother. His name is Ben Curtis. He is a theater major in college in NYC. This summer, he was auditioning for a few sitcom roles.

# 7 21 years ago

> please tell me if you like him i think hes hot
: and remember dude your getting a dell
And to think he went to the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute just to get type cast as the 'Dude - You're getting a Dell' guy. If he's smart he'll invest that $$$ wisely because no one else in the industry will hire him for a long time until everyone forgets that image of him.

# 8 20 years ago

: A few days after Ben Curtis's contract was up, he was arrested on a pot charge. But Dell already was into the new Intern ads for months, and had started to air them. Did'nt hurt him, tho. He has plenty of dough to retire on.
# 9 20 years ago

> He's still around; I don't think he'd leave. He's a very big plus to the Dell advertisements, due to his growing and pending popularity.
He got caught with dope and he was fired. Guess it wasn't an act after all was it?
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