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diet coke rollergirl commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

You know that diet coke commercial that goes "dance all night to this dj"? The blond girl who rollerskates in the ad, who is she? Or how can I find out? PLEASE REPLY PEOPLE!
THanks on adavance xoxo
# 2 18 years ago

Been trying to figure this out for weeks... no luck. I even contacted Coca-Cola and got back a form letter saying they couldn't release the name of the actress.

> You know that diet coke commercial that goes "dance all night to this dj"? The blond girl who rollerskates in the ad, who is she? Or how can I find out? PLEASE REPLY PEOPLE!
> THanks on adavance xoxo
# 3 18 years ago

Her name is Nicole Vicious... She is an actress from New York and one of the sweetest girls to work with!

> You know that diet coke commercial that goes "dance all night to this dj"? The blond girl who rollerskates in the ad, who is she? Or how can I find out? PLEASE REPLY PEOPLE!
> THanks on adavance xoxo
# 4 18 years ago

I was curious of the same thing. Did you ever find out?

> Been trying to figure this out for weeks... no luck. I even contacted Coca-Cola and got back a form letter saying they couldn't release the name of the actress.
> > You know that diet coke commercial that goes "dance all night to this dj"? The blond girl who rollerskates in the ad, who is she? Or how can I find out? PLEASE REPLY PEOPLE!
> > THanks on adavance xoxo
# 5 18 years ago

> You know that diet coke commercial that goes "dance all night to this dj"? The blond girl who rollerskates in the ad, who is she? Or how can I find out? PLEASE REPLY PEOPLE!
> THanks on adavance xoxo

Her name is Nicole Vicius.
# 6 18 years ago


I don't know but i will be find

> You know that diet coke commercial that goes "dance all night to this dj"? The blond girl who rollerskates in the ad, who is she? Or how can I find out? PLEASE REPLY PEOPLE!
> THanks on adavance xoxo
# 7 18 years ago

If it helps, the name of the song in that commercial is "Starry Eyed Suprise" by Paul Oakenfold. :)

Her name is Nicole Vicious... She is an actress from New York and one of the sweetest girls to work with!
> > You know that diet coke commercial that goes "dance all night to this dj"? The blond girl who rollerskates in the ad, who is she? Or how can I find out? PLEASE REPLY PEOPLE!
> > THanks on adavance xoxo
# 8 18 years ago

> > You know that diet coke commercial that goes "dance all night to this dj"? The blond girl who rollerskates in the ad, who is she? Or how can I find out? PLEASE REPLY PEOPLE!
> > THanks on adavance xoxo
> Her name is Nicole Vicius.
what was the song im trying to found it
# 9 18 years ago

> > You know that diet coke commercial that goes "dance all night to this dj"? The blond girl who rollerskates in the ad, who is she? Or how can I find out? PLEASE REPLY PEOPLE!
> > THanks on adavance xoxo
> Her name is Nicole Vicius.

Yeah now can someone tell me who sings the song thats in the diet coke with splenda commercial?? Thanks xoxoxoxo
# 10 18 years ago

Aaron Carter Lover
Her name is Nicole Vicious.
# 11 18 years ago

Nicole Vicious
# 12 18 years ago

who sings the song for this spot ?
# 13 18 years ago

Who is the artist performing in the video? I have tried to find the music and can't. Where can I find it?


# 14 18 years ago

>hey who sings that song and what is the name of that song? please tell me its driving me crazy

> You know that diet coke commercial that goes "dance all night to this dj"? The blond girl who rollerskates in the ad, who is she? Or how can I find out? PLEASE REPLY PEOPLE!
> > THanks on adavance xoxo
> Her name is Nicole Vicius.
# 15 18 years ago

> where can i view that commercial? i want to buy the top she has on!
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