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New Heineken Commercial Europe

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# 16 18 years ago

The song is called "Cobra Style" and the group performing it is Teddybears Stockholm.
# 17 18 years ago

If you are still searching for the commercial, you can find it here: - here you'll need to click on the far right box, which takes you to the commercials. "Letoltes" means download. Enjoy! (I don't know the song though, so if you happen to find it, I would be greatful for a bandname and/or title... Thanks :))

> What is that song in that new heineken commercial where people start dancing all funky and their ears are popping? Its driving me crazy i cant find it anywhere, not even the commercial.
# 18 18 years ago

If you are still searching for the commercial, you can find it here: - here you'll need to click on the far right box, which takes you to the commercials. "Letoltes" means download. Enjoy! (I don't know the song though, so if you happen to find it, I would be greatful for a bandname and/or title... Thanks :))

> What is that song in that new heineken commercial where people start dancing all funky and their ears are popping? Its driving me crazy i cant find it anywhere, not even the commercial.
# 19 18 years ago

JF from Montreal Canada!
im looking for it too!!
# 20 18 years ago

> > What is that song in that new heineken commercial where people start dancing all funky and their ears are popping? Its driving me crazy i cant find it anywhere, not even the commercial.
> the song is called press triggah by mad cobra. that is not how the real song goes so you probably wont be able to find that version for a while. oh and P.S this is dancehall(A.K.A Jamaican PPl Muzik)
# 21 18 years ago

> > What is that song in that new heineken commercial where people start dancing all funky and their ears are popping? Its driving me crazy i cant find it anywhere, not even the commercial.
# 22 18 years ago

# 23 18 years ago

> > What is that song in that new heineken commercial where people start dancing all funky and their ears are popping? Its driving me crazy i cant find it anywhere, not even the commercial.
> I don't know but I have the same problem.
# 24 18 years ago

> > > What is that song in that new heineken commercial where people start dancing all funky and their ears are popping? Its driving me crazy i cant find it anywhere, not even the commercial.
> >
> Maybe it´s Teddybears sthlm with cobrastyle or maybe i´m thinking of an another beer commercial
>>>>>he's right!!!
# 25 18 years ago

> > > What is that song in that new heineken commercial where people start dancing all funky and their ears are popping? Its driving me crazy i cant find it anywhere, not even the commercial.
> >
> Maybe it´s Teddybears sthlm with cobrastyle or maybe i´m thinking of an another beer commercial
# 26 18 years ago

> > What is that song in that new heineken commercial where people start dancing all funky and their ears are popping? Its driving me crazy i cant find it anywhere, not even the commercial.
# 27 18 years ago

> > What is that song in that new heineken commercial where people start dancing all funky and their ears are popping? Its driving me crazy i cant find it anywhere, not even the commercial.
> >> its originally a dancehall reggae song called "Press trigger (buzz riddim)" by mad cobra. What they did was just remix it with a dance beat.
# 28 18 years ago

> > What is that song in that new heineken commercial where people start dancing all funky and their ears are popping? Its driving me crazy i cant find it anywhere, not even the commercial. It's a drum and bass track... and it's a Canadian Heineken commercial. I NEED to know this, I will be forever greatful to the person who can answer the question.
# 29 18 years ago

Cobrastyle by Teddybears Stockholm
# 30 17 years ago

> > What is that song in that new heineken commercial where people start dancing all funky and their ears are popping? Its driving me crazy i cant find it anywhere, not even the commercial.
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