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mars commercial

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# 16 18 years ago

> > what's the song in the mars commercial where he's walkin down the street and it's like .. how does it feel?
> hi, i have no idea what that song it, im searching to it right now. If you allready know who is the artist can you plz send me an email. Thanks in advance.

New Order - Blue Monday is the song you're looking for. I went on a quest for this song and found it....
# 17 18 years ago

hey its
"how does it feel" by Orgy
# 18 17 years ago

> > what's the song in the mars commercial where he's walkin down the street and it's like .. how does it feel?
> hi, i have no idea what that song it, im searching to it right now. If you allready know who is the artist can you plz send me an email. Thanks in advance.

If you're still wondering ('cause when I heard it in that Mars bar commercial I was kinda curious too): I looked it up and it's New Order with Blue Monday.

# 19 17 years ago

> > > what's the song in the mars commercial where he's walkin down the street and it's like .. how does it feel?
> >
> > hi, i have no idea what that song it, im searching to it right now. If you allready know who is the artist can you plz send me an email. Thanks in advance.
> Hi,
> If you're still wondering ('cause when I heard it in that Mars bar commercial I was kinda curious too): I looked it up and it's New Order with Blue Monday.
Thanks alot mate
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