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New HP Commercial (Not Picture Book)

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# 1 18 years ago

features a song that goes "I like to see you put it all together" or something like that..sounds like a new-ish British band or US band trying to sound British..anybody know who it is ?

# 2 18 years ago

> features a song that goes "I like to see you put it all together" or something like that..sounds like a new-ish British band or US band trying to sound British..anybody know who it is ?
> Thanks!

I want to know also!!! Help!
# 3 18 years ago

it is a song made just for the tv ad.Its not available for commercial buying.I wish someone would record it.I know, because i contacted hp on the computer,and thats what they told me.
# 4 18 years ago

this chick
> features a song that goes "I like to see you put it all together" or something like that..sounds like a new-ish British band or US band trying to sound British..anybody know who it is ?
> Thanks!

is it the one that goes "out of the picture out of the frame and then when you see me nothing's the same"
# 5 18 years ago

this chick
> > features a song that goes "I like to see you put it all together" or something like that..sounds like a new-ish British band or US band trying to sound British..anybody know who it is ?
> >
> > Thanks!
> is it the one that goes "out of the picture out of the frame and then when you see me nothing's the same"
i found out who does it- its by the Robins and its called "out of the picture"
according to
# 6 18 years ago

> > features a song that goes "I like to see you put it all together" or something like that..sounds like a new-ish British band or US band trying to sound British..anybody know who it is ?
> >
> > Thanks!
> is it the one that goes "out of the picture out of the frame and then when you see me nothing's the same"
> the tune is the late-1950s song "Out of the Picture" by the Robins.
The Robbins were a black group. Go here for more info
# 7 18 years ago

> > features a song that goes "I like to see you put it all together" or something like that..sounds like a new-ish British band or US band trying to sound British..anybody know who it is ?
> >
> > Thanks!
> is it the one that goes "out of the picture out of the frame and then when you see me nothing's the same"
# 8 18 years ago

> > features a song that goes "I like to see you put it all together" or something like that..sounds like a new-ish British band or US band trying to sound British..anybody know who it is ?
> >
> > Thanks!
> is it the one that goes "out of the picture out of the frame and then when you see me nothing's the same"
its Out of the Picture by The Robins
# 9 18 years ago

It's by The Robins, an R&B group from the USA, from the 50's.........

> > features a song that goes "I like to see you put it all together" or something like that..sounds like a new-ish British band or US band trying to sound British..anybody know who it is ?
> >
> > Thanks!
> is it the one that goes "out of the picture out of the frame and then when you see me nothing's the same"
# 10 18 years ago

the tune is the late-1950s song "Out of the Picture" by the Robins
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