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Who's that Aveeno Girl.?

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# 1 18 years ago

Do you know the name of the actress who does the Aveeno commerical and maybe something else she has done..?

# 2 18 years ago

> Do you know the name of the actress who does the Aveeno commerical and maybe something else she has done..?
> steve

What a knock out! Yes, she be! The Aveeno website is out of order and the management at Johnson & Johnson say they can't help me Just like you, I wonder too, who is this beauty? Anyone out there with a clue?
# 3 18 years ago

> Do you know the name of the actress who does the Aveeno commerical and maybe something else she has done..?
> steve
I'm pretty good at internet searches.
I found this blog that mentions an aveeno actress. Patricia Saunders. She's a babe, but this guy didn't like her when he met her.
Hope its her. Now you have to find a clip of her.

# 4 18 years ago

> Do you know the name of the actress who does the Aveeno commerical and maybe something else she has done..?
> steve
I'm pretty good at internet searches.
I found this blog that mentions an aveeno actress. Patricia Saunders. She's a babe, but this guy didn't like her when he met her.
Hope its her. Now you have to find a clip of her.

# 5 18 years ago

> > Do you know the name of the actress who does the Aveeno commerical and maybe something else she has done..?
> >
> > steve
> What a knock out! Yes, she be! The Aveeno website is out of order and the management at Johnson & Johnson say they can't help me Just like you, I wonder too, who is this beauty? Anyone out there with a clue?

Her name is Patricia Sanders
# 6 18 years ago

Is this the girl with the black hair and the blue green eyes?
# 7 18 years ago

> Do you know the name of the actress who does the Aveeno commerical and maybe something else she has done..?
> steve

Yeah, she is great. I'd like to find out who she is myself>
# 8 18 years ago

> > Do you know the name of the actress who does the Aveeno commerical and maybe something else she has done..?
> >
> > steve
> I'm pretty good at internet searches.
> I found this blog that mentions an aveeno actress. Patricia menschnders. She's a babe, but this guy didn't like her when he met her.
> Also:
> Hope its her. Now you have to find a clip of her.
I finaly found out who it is. It's Daniella Van Graas. There's not too many pictures of her on the net yet. Let's hope more appear.

# 9 18 years ago

> > Do you know the name of the actress who does the Aveeno commerical and maybe something else she has done..?
> >
> > steve
> I'm pretty good at internet searches.
> I found this blog that mentions an aveeno actress. Patricia menschnders. She's a babe, but this guy didn't like her when he met her.
> Also:
> Hope its her. Now you have to find a clip of her.
> Is he cracked? She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I would love to get in touch with her, and tell her that myself
# 10 18 years ago

> Do you know the name of the actress who does the Aveeno commerical and maybe something else she has done..?
> steve


no i don't but i just saw her on tv and she is really beautiful and i can understand why you would like to know more about her. good luck!
# 11 18 years ago

> > Do you know the name of the actress who does the Aveeno commerical and maybe something else she has done..?
> >
> > steve
> I'm pretty good at internet searches.
> I found this blog that mentions an aveeno actress. Patricia menschnders. She's a babe, but this guy didn't like her when he met her.
> Also:
> Hope its her. Now you have to find a clip of her.
i do actullay she lives right around the corner of me seriously shes so tall and pretty in real life
# 12 18 years ago

> Do you know the name of the actress who does the Aveeno commerical and maybe something else she has done..?
> steve

I would love to know,
please, somebody!!!!
she's an angel
# 13 18 years ago

I dont think it is Patricia

> > Do you know the name of the actress who does the Aveeno commerical and maybe something else she has done..?
> >
> > steve
> I'm pretty good at internet searches.
> I found this blog that mentions an aveeno actress. Patricia menschnders. She's a babe, but this guy didn't like her when he met her.
> Also:
> Hope its her. Now you have to find a clip of her.
# 14 17 years ago

> > Do you know the name of the actress who does the Aveeno commerical and maybe something else she has done..?
> >
> > steve
> I'm pretty good at internet searches.
> I found this blog that mentions an aveeno actress. Patricia menschnders. She's a babe, but this guy didn't like her when he met her.
> Also:
> Hope its her. Now you have to find a clip of her.

I thought it was just me, LOL! I think this lady is totally hot also. Whenever the advert is on, I stop whatever I'm doing and check her out.

Take care
# 15 17 years ago

> > > Do you know the name of the actress who does the Aveeno commerical and maybe something else she has done..?
> > >
> > > steve
> > I'm pretty good at internet searches.
> > I found this blog that mentions an aveeno actress. Patricia menschnders. She's a babe, but this guy didn't like her when he met her.
> > Also:
> > Hope its her. Now you have to find a clip of her.
> >
> >
> I thought it was just me, LOL! I think this lady is totally hot also. Whenever the advert is on, I stop whatever I'm doing and check her out.
> Take care
Guys, I share your fascination and bemusement. It's the voice as much as - maybe more than - the beautiful face...

Her name is Daniella van Graas, and she's Dutch. That is, if the one you mean is the one that does more or less all the talking: "...I've found a moisturizer for life!".

She is not the one uglydog is talking about, whose name is Patricia Sanders. Patricia appears in those adds that involve a waterfall.

Both are beautiful, needless to say, or the ad agency on the Aveeno account wouldn't be doing their jobs. Daniella has a small acting resume (see Wikipedia) together with her modeling portfolio. So far as I know, Patricia has only modeled so far.

In my experience, actresses differ from models in that they can project some essence of personality when they speak as well as when they only move and smile. Thus, I would expect that should one be so fortunate as to meet Daniella, that engaging voice would be the property of an engaging person.

I have no notion about whether Patricia Sanders is dull or brilliant, though I have neither met nor heard of many top models who were totally vapid. That kind of thing tends to come through the lens, thus most models have something going on between their ears. The personality spectrum among models runs from warm to repellent, and seems about normally distributed, with perhaps a bias toward self defense (they get hit upon non-stop whenever they're not working. Either that or peoples' reactions to them are highly unnatural, at least).

Since Patricia Sanders certainly projects youth, beauty and vitality in plenty onto the video tape and thus into the living rooms and dens of America, she isn't totally brainless even if, like poor Cathy Ireland, she has the voice of a chipmunk.

Thus, while I can't say anything for certain about Patricia Sanders' personality because I know no one who has met her, in my opinion uglydog is probably living a rich inner life. "...kicked her to the curb" indeed...

Even if she had nothing much to say - there is such a thing as art collecting. As Rene said to Rick, "you shouldn't throw women away like that. Someday they may become scarce."

Keep on appreciating that art, and
All the best - Rob
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