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hillary duff

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# 31 18 years ago

daisy carrera
> hillary u r sooooooooooo cool my life is dad died on october 4 04 im getting horrid grades,my sister complains.even though mom's a doctor she gets stolen from so were poor.i wish i could be as popular as u at my fat beacause i have diabeties.the only thing i do 4 fun is 2 go on disney and listin to come clean & fly.i think you 're music rocks!!!!
# 32 18 years ago

> > > hillary u r sooooooooooo cool my life is dad died on october 4 04 im getting horrid grades,my sister complains.even though mom's a doctor she gets stolen from so were poor.i wish i could be as popular as u at my fat beacause i have diabeties.the only thing i do 4 fun is 2 go on disney and listin to come clean & fly.i think you 're music rocks!!!!dame is email plissssss yesss??plissss plissss ok bey bey......
> >
# 33 18 years ago

> hillary u r sooooooooooo cool my life is dad died on october 4 04 im getting horrid grades,my sister complains.even though mom's a doctor she gets stolen from so were poor.i wish i could be as popular as u at my fat beacause i have diabeties.the only thing i do 4 fun is 2 go on disney and listin to come clean & fly.i think you 're music rocks!!!!
# 34 18 years ago

kaitlyn gilmore
> hillary u r sooooooooooo cool my life is dad died on october 4 04 im getting horrid grades,my sister complains.even though mom's a doctor she gets stolen from so were poor.i wish i could be as popular as u at my fat beacause i have diabeties.the only thing i do 4 fun is 2 go on disney and listin to come clean & fly.i think you 're music rocks!!!!
# 35 18 years ago

>Hillary you are sooooooooooooooo cool. I love you muisic senns its pop muisc i'll say its popin. lol! Let me tell you all about me. I'm nine years old and I have all of your Cds. I have one sister and one mom. My daddy did'nt want me so he had another baby with his girl friend. I go to stone spring Elamtry school. I have twelve animals. Write me back xoxoxoxoxoxoxo love Callie.
# 36 17 years ago

Hillary most of the timeam piaying games on disney channel. Well the hole pote of me writed to cuc I wanted to that is it true that you have a black wig on your head on the music video wake up cuc my sister sede so well i have to go see ya
# 37 18 years ago

> hillary u r sooooooooooo cool my life is dad died on october 4 04 im getting horrid grades,my sister complains.even though mom's a doctor she gets stolen from so were poor.i wish i could be as popular as u at my fat beacause i have diabeties.the only thing i do 4 fun is 2 go on disney and listin to come clean & fly.i think you 're music rocks!!!!
# 38 18 years ago

> hillary u r sooooooooooo cool my life is dad died on october 4 04 im getting horrid grades,my sister complains.even though mom's a doctor she gets stolen from so were poor.i wish i could be as popular as u at my fat beacause i have diabeties.the only thing i do 4 fun is 2 go on disney and listin to come clean & fly.i think you 're music rocks!!!!
# 39 18 years ago

> hillary u r sooooooooooo cool my life is dad died on october 4 04 im getting horrid grades,my sister complains.even though mom's a doctor she gets stolen from so were poor.i wish i could be as popular as u at my fat beacause i have diabeties.the only thing i do 4 fun is 2 go on disney and listin to come clean & fly.i think you 're music rocks!!!!
# 40 18 years ago

> hillary u r sooooooooooo cool my life is dad died on october 4 04 im getting horrid grades,my sister complains.even though mom's a doctor she gets stolen from so were poor.i wish i could be as popular as u at my fat beacause i have diabeties.the only thing i do 4 fun is 2 go on disney and listin to come clean & fly.i think you 're music rocks!!!!
# 41 18 years ago

> > hillary u r sooooooooooo cool my life is dad died on october 4 04 im getting horrid grades,my sister complains.even though mom's a doctor she gets stolen from so were poor.i wish i could be as popular as u at my fat beacause i have diabeties.the only thing i do 4 fun is 2 go on disney and listin to come clean & fly.i think you 're music rocks!!!!
# 42 18 years ago

> hillary u r sooooooooooo cool my life is dad died on october 4 04 im getting horrid grades,my sister complains.even though mom's a doctor she gets stolen from so were poor.i wish i could be as popular as u at my fat beacause i have diabeties.the only thing i do 4 fun is 2 go on disney and listin to come clean & fly.i think you 're music rocks!!!!
# 43 18 years ago

> > > hillary u r sooooooooooo cool my life is dad died on october 4 04 im getting horrid grades,my sister complains.even though mom's a doctor she gets stolen from so were poor.i wish i could be as popular as u at my fat beacause i have diabeties.the only thing i do 4 fun is 2 go on disney and listin to come clean & fly.i think you 're music rocks!!!!dame is email plissssss yesss??plissss plissss ok bey bey......
> >
# 44 18 years ago

> hillary u r sooooooooooo cool my life is dad died on october 4 04 im getting horrid grades,my sister complains.even though mom's a doctor she gets stolen from so were poor.i wish i could be as popular as u at my fat beacause i have diabeties.the only thing i do 4 fun is 2 go on disney and listin to come clean & fly.i think you 're music rocks!!!!
# 45 18 years ago

> > hillary u r sooooooooooo cool my life is dad died on october 4 04 im getting horrid grades,my sister complains.even though mom's a doctor she gets stolen from so were poor.i wish i could be as popular as u at my fat beacause i have diabeties.the only thing i do 4 fun is 2 go on disney and listin to come clean & fly.i think you 're music rocks! Thack you
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