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Gap commercial from fall (fall '04 or fall '03)

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# 1 19 years ago

Does anyone know the name/artist of the song that was used in the GAP commercial last fall (maybe August, September, it could have been fall of '03...not sure)? Some of the lyrics are : "Do you remember? ...Oh-we-ah, instead of in September, Oh-we-ah..." Sorry I don't remember more. thanks for any info.
# 2 19 years ago

Some songs from recent gap commercials:

59th Street Bridge song (Feeling Groovey) By Simon and Garfunkel.

There's a Kool and The Gang song ("Fresh") and a Queen song ("Crazy Little
Thing Called Love") in

"Summer Breeze" by Seals & Crofts

"Give A Little Bit" original by Supertramp

"Love Train" original by The O'Jays

> Does anyone know the name/artist of the song that was used in the GAP commercial last fall (maybe August, September, it could have been fall of '03...not sure)? Some of the lyrics are : "Do you remember? ...Oh-we-ah, instead of in September, Oh-we-ah..." Sorry I don't remember more. thanks for any info.
# 3 18 years ago

that song is "september" from earth wind and fire

> Some songs from recent gap commercials:
> 59th Street Bridge song (Feeling Groovey) By Simon and Garfunkel.
> There's a Kool and The Gang song ("Fresh") and a Queen song ("Crazy Little
> Thing Called Love") in
> "Summer Breeze" by Seals & Crofts
> "Give A Little Bit" original by Supertramp
> "Love Train" original by The O'Jays
> > Does anyone know the name/artist of the song that was used in the GAP commercial last fall (maybe August, September, it could have been fall of '03...not sure)? Some of the lyrics are : "Do you remember? ...Oh-we-ah, instead of in September, Oh-we-ah..." Sorry I don't remember more. thanks for any info.
# 4 18 years ago

Yeah, the name of that song was "September" by Earth, Wind and Fire. Great song.
# 5 18 years ago

> Some songs from recent gap commercials:
> 59th Street Bridge song (Feeling Groovey) By Simon and Garfunkel.
> There's a Kool and The Gang song ("Fresh") and a Queen song ("Crazy Little
> Thing Called Love") in
> "Summer Breeze" by Seals & Crofts
> "Give A Little Bit" original by Supertramp
> "Love Train" original by The O'Jays
> I believe it was from earth wind and fire, possibly called "September"
> > Does anyone know the name/artist of the song that was used in the GAP commercial last fall (maybe August, September, it could have been fall of '03...not sure)? Some of the lyrics are : "Do you remember? ...Oh-we-ah, instead of in September, Oh-we-ah..." Sorry I don't remember more. thanks for any info.
# 6 18 years ago

> Some songs from recent gap commercials:
> 59th Street Bridge song (Feeling Groovey) By Simon and Garfunkel.
> There's a Kool and The Gang song ("Fresh") and a Queen song ("Crazy Little
> Thing Called Love") in
> "Summer Breeze" by Seals & Crofts
> "Give A Little Bit" original by Supertramp
> "Love Train" original by The O'Jays
The song you are thinking of is called "September" by Earth Wind and Fire. Great band, great music. I'm actually a dance teacher and had one of my classes perform to it at our annual recital.
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