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NBC Fall Promo Commercial song

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# 1 21 years ago

The song is in the commercial for NBC. It has Will and Grace, Good Morning, Miami, Frasier, and Friends on it. It goes something like this 'the first time I saw you I knew'. It says, I Knew a lot. It's a great song. Please respond quickly-THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
# 2 21 years ago

honestly right this moment i cant remember the lyrics, but if its the one im thinking of, i fell in love with it too! The ad im talking about was a series of short clips of the casts of each show just sitting around on their sets really...not acting if that makes sense. And i think the promo mentioned somehting about getting to see old friends again and making new ones (ie 'good morn miami')
anyways, if that sounds like what youre looking for, its by an artist (or group?) named Titiyo and its called 'come along' i think.
oh! i remember the lyrics now.
'Come along now
come along with me,
come along now
come along and you will see
what its like to be free'
hope that helps! oh, and i found it easily on kazaa.
good luck.
# 3 21 years ago

hmm, what about the nbc promo with the lyrics '...fill my senses..' it sounds kinda cher-ish, if that makes any sense.. w
# 4 21 years ago

thank you, I heard this song on the radio and wanted to find it. this was very helpful.
# 5 20 years ago

Can you tell me if you know the artist and song title to the MBC Promo with the lyrics . . .
'fall in love with you' I think. It had a real
smooth jazzy sound to it. It was airing earlier
this year. Please reply if you know. thanks!
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