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Nissan commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

Does anyone know who did the music for the Nissan 2005 commerical? The lyrics go "Stay as you are and you won't make a difference..."
# 2 19 years ago

> Does anyone know who did the music for the Nissan 2005 commerical? The lyrics go "Stay as you are and you won't make a difference..."
SPAN - Stay as You Are
# 3 19 years ago

> Does anyone know who did the music for the Nissan 2005 commerical? The lyrics go "Stay as you are and you won't make a difference..."
# 4 19 years ago

Special K
> Does anyone know who did the music for the Nissan 2005 commerical? The lyrics go "Stay as you are and you won't make a difference..."
# 5 19 years ago

> Does anyone know who did the music for the Nissan 2005 commerical? The lyrics go "Stay as you are and you won't make a difference..." if you go to best buy and tell them your looking for a song on the nissan commercial and tell them the lyrics they will look on the internet for you because i just went to best buy today april 11th to find out a rock and roll song for the nissan xterra commercial and they found it >for me try that let me know if you found it
# 6 19 years ago

The band is "Span" -- another thread based on this:,8448.0.html

> Does anyone know who did the music for the Nissan 2005 commerical? The lyrics go "Stay as you are and you won't make a difference..."
# 7 19 years ago

So what was the name of the song. Been looking for it also!!
# 8 19 years ago

I think it's

Stay as you are by Mass Distraction

Album: Span?
# 9 19 years ago

> > Does anyone know who did the music for the Nissan 2005 commerical? The lyrics go "Stay as you are and you won't make a difference..." if you go to best buy and tell them your looking for a song on the nissan commercial and tell them the lyrics they will look on the internet for you because i just went to best buy today april 11th to find out a rock and roll song for the nissan xterra commercial and they found it >for me try that let me know if you found it

Artist: Span

Title: Stay as You Are
# 10 19 years ago

> > Does anyone know who did the music for the Nissan 2005 commerical? The lyrics go "Stay as you are and you won't make a difference..."
> >
> SPAN - Stay as You Are

No - I don't know
# 11 18 years ago

Span - Stay As You Are
# 12 18 years ago

Span is the group who sings it

> > > Does anyone know who did the music for the Nissan 2005 commerical? The lyrics go "Stay as you are and you won't make a difference..." if you go to best buy and tell them your looking for a song on the nissan commercial and tell them the lyrics they will look on the internet for you because i just went to best buy today april 11th to find out a rock and roll song for the nissan xterra commercial and they found it >for me try that let me know if you found it
> >
> Artist: Span
> Title: Stay as You Are
# 13 18 years ago

> > > Does anyone know who did the music for the Nissan 2005 commerical? The lyrics go "Stay as you are and you won't make a difference..."
> > >
> > SPAN - Stay as You Are
> No - I don't know

go here -->
# 14 18 years ago

> > > Does anyone know who did the music for the Nissan 2005 commerical? The lyrics go "Stay as you are and you won't make a difference..." if you go to best buy and tell them your looking for a song on the nissan commercial and tell them the lyrics they will look on the internet for you because i just went to best buy today april 11th to find out a rock and roll song for the nissan xterra commercial and they found it >for me try that let me know if you found it
> >
> Artist: Span
> Title: Stay as You Are
# 15 18 years ago

> > > Does anyone know who did the music for the Nissan 2005 commerical? The lyrics go "Stay as you are and you won't make a difference..."
> > >
> > SPAN - Stay as You Are
> No - I don't know
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