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rap song what is this song!!!!!!!!

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# 1 19 years ago

> what song is this it goes like "let me see you move it move it let me see you hit the floor...." "its getting hot in here get worked up in here i got the whole block in here" its a rap song and it sounds like lloyd banks or somethin what is the song????
# 2 19 years ago

i am looking for the same song! did you ever find out who its by or what its called? does anybody know?
# 3 19 years ago

> > what song is this it goes like "let me see you move it move it let me see you hit the floor...." "its getting hot in here get worked up in here i got the whole block in here" its a rap song and it sounds like lloyd banks or somethin what is the song????
# 4 19 years ago

> > what song is this it goes like "let me see you move it move it let me see you hit the floor...." "its getting hot in here get worked up in here i got the whole block in here" its a rap song and it sounds like lloyd banks or somethin what is the song????
# 5 18 years ago

> > what song is this it goes like "let me see you move it move it let me see you hit the floor...." "its getting hot in here get worked up in here i got the whole block in here" its a rap song and it sounds like lloyd banks or somethin what is the song????

I was wondering about that song too
# 6 18 years ago

> > > what song is this it goes like "let me see you move it move it let me see you hit the floor...." "its getting hot in here get worked up in here i got the whole block in here" its a rap song and it sounds like lloyd banks or somethin what is the song????
> >
> I was wondering about that song too
# 7 18 years ago

> > what song is this it goes like "let me see you move it move it let me see you hit the floor...." "its getting hot in here get worked up in here i got the whole block in here" its a rap song and it sounds like lloyd banks or somethin what is the song????
From what everybody keeps telling me, it's:
The Team - Hott
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