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Radio Free Roscoe Song

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# 16 19 years ago

> I found the song - its called One Marathon by Reverie Sound Revue.
# 17 19 years ago

in the episode where travis is kissing bridget while ray is throwing down the postcards theres a song playing. wuts it called?
# 18 19 years ago

> >In the episode "I'm with a cupid" of radio free roscoe at the end of the episode, kim put a song and a part of the lirycs were " as I dive over the finish line " but what was the name of that song?
# 19 19 years ago

i would like to know the song that is played when ray dumps postcards onto travis and bridget , while they are kissing. thanks
# 20 19 years ago

> >In the episode "I'm with a cupid" of radio free roscoe at the end of the episonde kim put a song a part of is lirycs was " as I dive over the finish line " but what was the name of that song
# 21 19 years ago

That lyric sounds familiar on one of their episodes, me and my friend were watching this one where Travis told that one girl how he felt through those postcards but then that song came on, so i was wondering what that song was becuz my friend likes it
# 22 19 years ago

im wondering the song played my the band just befor lily went on, on the episode " one step forward, two steps back" somthing like " baby goodbye "
# 23 19 years ago

its one marathon by reverie sound revue
# 24 19 years ago

> >In the episode "I'm with a cupid" of radio free roscoe at the end of the episonde kim put a song a part of is lirycs was " as I dive over the finish line " but what was the name of that song
# 25 19 years ago

I'm dying to know what this song is, too..
# 26 19 years ago

I have no idea what episode it was but it was something to do with ray & lilly & in the background the song was playing & it went something like "Im not supposed to think of you..anymore. Im not supposed to talk to you anymore"
Please tell me what that song is!
# 27 19 years ago

> >In the episode "I'm with a cupid" of radio free roscoe at the end of the episonde kim put a song a part of is lirycs was " as I dive over the finish line " but what was the name of that song
# 28 19 years ago

> >In the episode "I'm with a cupid" of radio free roscoe at the end of the episonde kim put a song a part of is lirycs was " as I dive over the finish line " but what was the name of that song
# 29 19 years ago

> >In the episode "I'm with a cupid" of radio free roscoe at the end of the episonde kim put a song a part of is lirycs was " as I dive over the finish line " but what was the name of that song
# 30 19 years ago

> >In the episode "I'm with a cupid" of radio free roscoe at the end of the episonde kim put a song a part of is lirycs was " as I dive over the finish line " but what was the name of that song
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