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"And I say wow, the time is now"

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# 1 19 years ago

There is a new US car commercial whose song contains these lyrics, "and I say wow, the time is now." I'm sorry but I forgot which brand. I have Googled my brains out, and I can't figure out what this song is. Any help would be appreciated.
# 2 19 years ago

The car is the Toyota Avalon. I'm searching, too! Catchy, isn't it?
# 3 19 years ago

I'm trying to figure out the same thing. I think it's the band Fisher but I can't figure it out for sure. They were in another Toyota commercial and the vocalist sounds the same. Here's a link -

> There is a new US car commercial whose song contains these lyrics, "and I say wow, the time is now." I'm sorry but I forgot which brand. I have Googled my brains out, and I can't figure out what this song is. Any help would be appreciated.
# 4 19 years ago

> Its a toyota commercial and I have searced all over cant find song but its stuck in my head anyone e mail me info.
# 5 19 years ago

I was wondering if the singer is Jem, a lovely Welsh on the scene...who also does some of the music on The O.C., that new television show.

> > Its a toyota commercial and I have searced all over cant find song but its stuck in my head anyone e mail me info.
# 6 19 years ago

Okay,! Go here to download the soundtrack..."It's A Beautiful Life," sung by...yes, Fisher!*&p_li=
If you get lost on the way, look for FAQs under Toyota Customer Help.

> There is a new US car commercial whose song contains these lyrics, "and I say wow, the time is now." I'm sorry but I forgot which brand. I have Googled my brains out, and I can't figure out what this song is. Any help would be appreciated.
# 7 19 years ago

the car is the toyota avalon
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