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Pantene Pro-V Expressions Commercial Song

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# 16 18 years ago

> > > Can someone plz help me with the title/artist of the song being played in this commercial? I'm assuming a female is singing it. I found the website where you can listen to a short clip.
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# 17 18 years ago

the name of the song is "Hayling" by FC Kahuna

> Can someone plz help me with the title/artist of the song being played in this commercial? I'm assuming a female is singing it. I found the website where you can listen to a short clip.
# 18 18 years ago

> Can someone plz help me with the title/artist/lyrics of the song being played in this commercial? I'm assuming a female is singing it. I found the website where you can listen to a short clip.
# 19 18 years ago

> > Can someone plz help me with the title/artist/lyrics of the song being played in this commercial? I'm assuming a female is singing it. I found the website where you can listen to a short clip.
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# 20 18 years ago

can someone help to find the lyrics being played in this commercial? I'm assuming a female is singing it. I found the website where you can listen to a short clip.
> > >
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# 21 18 years ago

It's "Hayling" by FC Kahuna featuring vocals by Hafdís Huld of Iceland. A truely unique and beautiful piece of music.
# 22 18 years ago

WOO HOO..i've been looking for this song too! Sounds like it came from Nintendo's Metroid =)
> It is Machine Says Yes [US] by FC Kahuna.
> > > > Can someone plz help me with the title/artist of the song being played in this commercial? I'm assuming a female is singing it. I found the website where you can listen to a short clip.
> > > >
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# 23 18 years ago

if you did more research, you would know that it's really not "Hayling". but it does sound a lot like it. go to the pantene page and you'll find out more....
# 24 18 years ago

Tek Lok
I bet it was a remix they used in the commericial. I jsut saw the commericial right now and that reminded to find out what that cool song was, this was the first google result. I bet I'll find some kind of remix on p2p programs. I use WinMX, so I'll try that Hayling - FC kahuna.

> Sigh....I went to AD and they said it was the song "Hayling" by FC Kahuna. I have that sounds ALOT like it...but its not...its different. So i wrote them to tell them that but theyre denying it. They must be deaf.
# 25 18 years ago

yea whats this song's not "hayling"
# 26 18 years ago

Any luck with that? That song is phat
# 27 16 years ago

> > Can someone plz help me with the title/artist/lyrics of the song being played in this commercial? I'm assuming a female is singing it. I found the website where you can listen to a short clip.
> >
> >
# 28 16 years ago

> Can someone plz help me with the title/artist of the song being played in this commercial? I'm assuming a female is singing it. I found the website where you can listen to a short clip.
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