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Video with an animated milk carton

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# 1 19 years ago

About 6-7 years ago, there was a video by a group that had an animated milk carton that fell out of the window of the house and was afraid being outside. Anyone remember the name of this song or even the band that sang it?
# 2 19 years ago

Its Blur's "Coffee & TV "
# 3 19 years ago

> About 6-7 years ago, there was a video by a group that had an animated milk carton that fell out of the window of the house and was afraid being outside. Anyone remember the name of this song or even the band that sang it?

the band is blur
the song is coffee and tv
great video and great song eh?
take care,
# 4 19 years ago

> About 6-7 years ago, there was a video by a group that had an animated milk carton that fell out of the window of the house and was afraid being outside. Anyone remember the name of this song or even the band that sang it?

I'm searching for the same band. I thought it was Cake, but I could not find the song on the iTunes database. If you find the band, please let me know. Thanks
# 5 19 years ago

> About 6-7 years ago, there was a video by a group that had an animated milk carton that fell out of the window of the house and was afraid being outside. Anyone remember the name of this song or even the band that sang it?

okay, I found the link for other replies. It is Blur, not Cake. thanks.
# 6 19 years ago

The SOng is Coffee and TV, by Blur. I was searching for the same song to, but just did a search on google and found it. Great video and song.
# 7 19 years ago

> About 6-7 years ago, there was a video by a group that had an animated milk carton that fell out of the window of the house and was afraid being outside. Anyone remember the name of this song or even the band that sang it?

coffee and tv
# 8 19 years ago

That video was by Blur and the song was called Coffee and TV. Enjoy!
# 9 19 years ago

> The SOng is Coffee and TV, by Blur. I was searching for the same song to, but just did a search on google and found it. Great video and song.
# 10 18 years ago

> > About 6-7 years ago, there was a video by a group that had an animated milk carton that fell out of the window of the house and was afraid being outside. Anyone remember the name of this song or even the band that sang it?
> Blur
> coffee and tv
# 11 18 years ago

All you need to know
# 12 18 years ago

> About 6-7 years ago, there was a video by a group that had an animated milk carton that fell out of the window of the house and was afraid being outside. Anyone remember the name of this song or even the band that sang it?
>> yup, I was looking for it as well, it's "Coffee and TV" by BLUR!!
# 13 18 years ago

> That video was by Blur and the song was called Coffee and TV. Enjoy!
# 14 18 years ago

> That video was by Blur and the song was called Coffee and TV. Enjoy!
# 15 18 years ago

> > About 6-7 years ago, there was a video by a group that had an animated milk carton that fell out of the window of the house and was afraid being outside. Anyone remember the name of this song or even the band that sang it?
> >> yup, I was looking for it as well, it's "Coffee and TV" by BLUR!!
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