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RE micheal jackson

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# 1 19 years ago

mj is an asome person who cares so much about our world that we live in and i argee
with him in fact i am starting a club called we are the world and if anyone has a problem
withthat feel free to e-mail me
# 2 19 years ago

> mj is an asome person who cares so much about our world that we live in and i argee
> with him in fact i am starting a club called we are the world and if anyone has a problem
> withthat feel free to e-mail me
I still love Mike, his music and his love people is extrodnery. I all ways take up for him when people try to talk about things they have no proff about. I hope and prayer that he didn't do those things that they he did.
# 3 18 years ago

> mj is an asome person who cares so much about our world that we live in and i argee
> with him in fact i am starting a club called we are the world and if anyone has a problem
> withthat feel free to e-mail me

# 4 18 years ago

> mj is an asome person who cares so much about our world that we live in and i argee
> with him in fact i am starting a club called we are the world and if anyone has a problem
> withthat feel free to e-mail me

Hey my name is jason,
i am from Switzerland and i saw your mail just by chance. i fully agree with you and your idea of founding a club called "we are the world" is really great. Cld you tell me something more about it? and about you? where are you from? may be my mj fans and i cld join your club.
well, i am looking forward to hearing from you! we do hope mj will not be sent to prison! aj
# 5 18 years ago

> mj is an asome person who cares so much about our world that we live in and i argee
> with him in fact i am starting a club called we are the world and if anyone has a problem
> withthat feel free to e-mail me
# 6 18 years ago

> mj is an asome person who cares so much about our world that we live in and i argee
> with him in fact i am starting a club called we are the world and if anyone has a problem
> withthat feel free to e-mail me

Hey my name is jason,
i am from Switzerland and i saw your mail just by chance. i fully agree with you and your idea of founding a club called "we are the world" is really great. Cld you tell me something more about it? and about you? where are you from? may be my mj fans and i cld join your club.
well, i am looking forward to hearing from you! we do hope mj will not be sent to prison! aj
# 7 18 years ago

> > mj is an asome person who cares so much about our world that we live in and i argee
> > with him in fact i am starting a club called we are the world and if anyone has a problem
> > withthat feel free to e-mail me
> I still love Mike, his music and his love people is extrodnery. I all ways take up for him when people try to talk about things they have no proff about. I hope and prayer that he didn't do those things that they he did.
# 8 18 years ago

> > mj is an asome person who cares so much about our world that we live in and i argee
> > with him in fact i am starting a club called we are the world and if anyone has a problem
> > withthat feel free to e-mail me
> tröööö
(All 8 messages )

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