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# 1 21 years ago

i was wondering what was the song was that they play on the motarola commercial the commercial is hello moto where people are in a subway and a launddry place if anyone knows e-mail me please i want to know please help me

# 2 21 years ago

Oh man i wish i new this one too, ive been looking for it. goes like 'Hello Moto!' and then later 'Play! Play! I wanna play someday!' or something like that.

: i was wondering what was the song was that they play on the motarola commercial the commercial is hello moto where people are in a subway and a launddry place if anyone knows e-mail me please i want to know please help me

# 3 20 years ago

The music is Play Some D by Brassy
Enjoy it!
> Oh man i wish i new this one too, ive been looking for it. goes like 'Hello Moto!' and then later 'Play! Play! I wanna play someday!' or something like that.
:> i was wondering what was the song was that they play on the motarola commercial the commercial is hello moto where people are in a subway and a launddry place if anyone knows e-mail me please i want to know please help me

# 4 20 years ago

Answers probably to these two.
'Play Some D' is a song by Brassy.
Other Moto ad, used in a few spots was 'Heartfixer' by De-Phazz. It's hard to find, but if you go to the Dutch or maybe the UK, you can find the CD and listen to a sample to see if that's the one you're thinking of.
My question, what's the song in the moto ad filmed by a swimming pool? Has a guy jumping in the water, then reversing the film to have him jumping back out.
> Oh man i wish i new this one too, ive been looking for it. goes like 'Hello Moto!' and then later 'Play! Play! I wanna play someday!' or something like that.
:> i was wondering what was the song was that they play on the motarola commercial the commercial is hello moto where people are in a subway and a launddry place if anyone knows e-mail me please i want to know please help me

# 5 20 years ago

:I also want to know all I can remember is that it has a film clip where they show basketball all the way through, if by some small chance that h
> Oh man i wish i new this one too, ive been looking for it. goes like 'Hello Moto!' and then later 'Play! Play! I wanna play someday!' or something like that.
:> i was wondering what was the song was that they play on the motarola commercial the commercial is hello moto where people are in a subway and a launddry place if anyone knows e-mail me please i want to know please help me

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