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Bourne Identity alternate ending?

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# 1 19 years ago

does anybody know the title and artist of the song from the alternate ending on the Bourne Identity? in the scene Jason Bourne comes walking down the beach towards Maria and they embrace and kiss and the song is awesome.
# 2 18 years ago

"In the Sun" by Joseph Arthur
# 3 19 years ago

> does anybody know the title and artist of the song from the alternate ending on the Bourne Identity? in the scene Jason Bourne comes walking down the beach towards Maria and they embrace and kiss and the song is awesome.

i came across this post, but no replies. did anyone ever find out what song that was?
# 4 19 years ago

> does anybody know the title and artist of the song from the alternate ending on the Bourne Identity? in the scene Jason Bourne comes walking down the beach towards Maria and they embrace and kiss and the song is awesome.
Joseph Arthur, and the song
title: "In The Sun". Now we know!
# 5 19 years ago

> does anybody know the title and artist of the song from the alternate ending on the Bourne Identity? in the scene Jason Bourne comes walking down the beach towards Maria and they embrace and kiss and the song is awesome.
# 6 19 years ago

It is by Joseph Arthur, entitled "In the Sun".

> does anybody know the title and artist of the song from the alternate ending on the Bourne Identity? in the scene Jason Bourne comes walking down the beach towards Maria and they embrace and kiss and the song is awesome.
# 7 19 years ago

joseph arthur - in the sun
# 8 18 years ago

It's by Joseph Arthur - In The Sun
# 9 18 years ago

> > does anybody know the title and artist of the song from the alternate ending on the Bourne Identity? in the scene Jason Bourne comes walking down the beach towards Maria and they embrace and kiss and the song is awesome.
yup....its by joseph arthur 'm' its called in the sun 'n' the albums called Come to where i'm from. i agree the song is v smooth, hope u find it 'n' enjoy. x
# 10 18 years ago

> does anybody know the title and artist of the song from the alternate ending on the Bourne Identity? in the scene Jason Bourne comes walking down the beach towards Maria and they embrace and kiss and the song is awesome.

I just read on an review that the song is called In the Sun by Joseph Arthur of his album Come to Where I'm From
# 11 18 years ago

> > does anybody know the title and artist of the song from the alternate ending on the Bourne Identity? in the scene Jason Bourne comes walking down the beach towards Maria and they embrace and kiss and the song is awesome.
> I just read on an review that the song is called In the Sun by Joseph Arthur of his album Come to Where I'm From

The song as it appeared on the soundtrack for "The L Word" (Showtime series) is available on iTunes.
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