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Old Gap Commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

There's an old gap commercial from 2002 i think it was where there's a couple walking around holding hands, and then people come out and start walking behind them, and all of a sudden everyone is running in the middle of the street. I know it's a longshot but would anyone happen to know what song was playing ing the background. Also there was another one just like it, only the couple was riding a bike, and then other people on bikes started following them. That commercial had a different song, but I'm also looking for it. Anyone know what they are?
# 2 19 years ago

The band's name is "The Shins" but the music in that ad was written by James Mercer. I think they'd taken the ad out of the gap website. You used to be able to view it there.

If you go to you can listen to song samples for free. You may also visit if you want to see quicktime videos and stuff. I happen to love this band alot. If you watched Garden State, some of their songs were featured in the movie.
# 3 19 years ago

Longshot? Maybe not. I dont know if you still want this info...but the commerical was called "Denim Invasion" by Gap, featuring Orlando Bloom and Kate Beckansale. There are two versions of the clip. One with a slow song "Love is all around" by the Troggs, and one with a fast song "Sorry" by The Easybeats. As for the commercial with the bike....I dont know much about that one, but I do know it was made by Gap as well.
# 4 19 years ago

> There's an old gap commercial from 2002 i think it was where there's a couple walking around holding hands, and then people come out and start walking behind them, and all of a sudden everyone is running in the middle of the street. I know it's a longshot but would anyone happen to know what song was playing ing the background. Also there was another one just like it, only the couple was riding a bike, and then other people on bikes started following them. That commercial had a different song, but I'm also looking for it. Anyone know what they are?

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