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Song from Mars chocolate bar commercial?

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# 1 19 years ago

There's Mars chocolate bar commercial rolling in Finnish television. There are two Indians in commercial. The older one thinks that it is good day to die and takes the younger one to escort him on the mountains to die... there is great music on the background and my question is, does anyone know what song it is?
# 2 19 years ago

booba booba booba booba
# 3 18 years ago

> There's Mars chocolate bar commercial and there is great music on the background and my question is, does anyone know what song it is?
# 4 18 years ago

It's in Estonian television also. The song is performed by Redd Kross and the title is Crazy World. If you can't find it contact me.
# 5 18 years ago

MARS BARS CHOCOLATE - Does anyone know where could I download the song from background of the NEW Mars Bars commercial? Its a TECHNO song... its the commercial that is playing on tv in Canada and on the movie theatres. Thank you
# 6 18 years ago

can anyone find the clip of the mars chocolate bar commercial with the guy turning everything on.
# 7 18 years ago

the song is called CAN I KICK IT - A TRIBE CALLED QUEST
# 8 18 years ago

> can anyone find the clip of the mars chocolate bar commercial with the guy turning everything on.

A TRIBE CALLED QUEST - can you kick it
# 9 18 years ago


> > can anyone find the clip of the mars chocolate bar commercial with the guy turning everything on.
> A TRIBE CALLED QUEST - can you kick it
# 10 18 years ago


> > can anyone find the clip of the mars chocolate bar commercial with the guy turning everything on.
> A TRIBE CALLED QUEST - can you kick it
# 11 18 years ago

> MARS BARS CHOCOLATE - Does anyone know where could I download the song from background of the NEW Mars Bars commercial? Its a TECHNO song... its the commercial that is playing on tv in Canada and on the movie theatres. Thank you
# 12 18 years ago

No, but I would love to know also....

MARS BARS CHOCOLATE - Does anyone know where could I download the song from background of the NEW Mars Bars commercial? Its a TECHNO song... its the commercial that is playing on tv in Canada and on the movie theatres. Thank you
# 13 18 years ago

> MARS BARS CHOCOLATE - Does anyone know where could I download the song from background of the NEW Mars Bars commercial? Its a TECHNO song... its the commercial that is playing on tv in Canada and on the movie theatres. Thank you
# 14 18 years ago

> MARS BARS CHOCOLATE - Does anyone know where could I download the song from background of the NEW Mars Bars commercial? Its a TECHNO song... its the commercial that is playing on tv in Canada and on the movie theatres. Thank you
> The Song Is But I Feel Good- Groove Armada
# 15 18 years ago

> MARS BARS CHOCOLATE - Does anyone know where could I download the song from background of the NEW Mars Bars commercial? Its a TECHNO song... its the commercial that is playing on tv in Canada and on the movie theatres. Thank you
(Messages 1 to 15 of 28 (Page 1 of 2) ) Next 13 messages >>

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