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Sweet Home Alabama TV Commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

Hey there!
You are my last chance befor I go cracy. I am looking for the song in the TV commercial for the movie 'sweet home alabama'. This song is played at the end of the commercial. It is not on the soundtrack and it is not played on the trailer for the movie. I can´t find the Commercial on the internet either.
I really hope someone can help me.
Thank you.

# 2 21 years ago

The only tv spot i could find on the internet has Everywhere by Michelle Branch playing at the end of it.

: Hey there!
: You are my last chance befor I go cracy. I am looking for the song in the TV commercial for the movie 'sweet home alabama'. This song is played at the end of the commercial. It is not on the soundtrack and it is not played on the trailer for the movie. I can´t find the Commercial on the internet either.
: I really hope someone can help me.
: Thank you.

# 3 21 years ago

The only tv spot i could find on the internet has Everywhere by Michelle Branch playing at the end of it.

: Hey there!
: You are my last chance befor I go cracy. I am looking for the song in the TV commercial for the movie 'sweet home alabama'. This song is played at the end of the commercial. It is not on the soundtrack and it is not played on the trailer for the movie. I can´t find the Commercial on the internet either.
: I really hope someone can help me.
: Thank you.

# 4 21 years ago

hey i noticed that song too! i've been looking everywhere; if you find out what it is it would be great if you could post it... i'll do likewise.
good luck!

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