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Oil of Olay Regenerist commercial

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# 16 18 years ago

> > Does anyone know the name of the model in the new "Oil of Olay Regenerist" commercial. She has a very nice tan, dark-brown hair, and blue/green eyes. And she's beautiful, obviously. Thanks.
> I found this link while trying to determine if the girl in this commercial is who I think it is. I personally think it is actress/model Scarlett Chorvat. (The girl who has the lesbian kiss at the very end of Dodgeball.) Not sure, but maybe. I'll keep looking.
# 17 13 years ago

emily caillon

Thats the model. She is stunning.
# 18 13 years ago

Her name is Emily Cailon.
# 19 7 years ago

Her name is Luciana Curtis.
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