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Cingular Commericail Song

(Messages 16 to 29 of 29 (Page 2 of 2) ) << Last 15 messages Post Reply
# 16 18 years ago

> Who sings that song My Sweet Melissa or Melissa; with the actress text messaging her husband because she was having a baby. What is the song and who is the artist?
# 17 18 years ago

> Who sings that song My Sweet Melissa or Melissa; with the actress text messaging her husband because she was having a baby. What is the song and who is the artist?
# 18 18 years ago

> Allman Brothers band
> Who sings that song My Sweet Melissa or Melissa; with the actress text messaging her husband because she was having a baby. What is the song and who is the artist?
# 19 18 years ago

> Who sings that song My Sweet Melissa or Melissa; with the actress text messaging her husband because she was having a baby. What is the song and who is the artist?

Allman Brothers-Melissa
# 20 18 years ago

> Does anybody know the name of the song in the Cingular commercial that has the guy driving in a Red Convertable?
Who sings the song
# 21 18 years ago

> Who sings that song My Sweet Melissa or Melissa; with the actress text messaging her husband because she was having a baby. What is the song and who is the artist?

Greg Allman and the Allman Brothers band.
From the album, "Eat a Peach".

Also on the Allman Brothers greatest hits.

Melissa by Gregg Allman

# 22 18 years ago

> Who sings that song My Sweet Melissa or Melissa; with the actress text messaging her husband because she was having a baby. What is the song and who is the artist?
# 23 18 years ago

I would liek to know that too lol i want that song!>
> Who sings that song My Sweet Melissa or Melissa; with the actress text messaging her husband because she was having a baby. What is the song and who is the artist?
# 24 18 years ago

> Who sings that song My Sweet Melissa or Melissa; with the actress text messaging her husband because she was having a baby. What is the song and who is the artist?
# 25 18 years ago

> Who sings that song My Sweet Melissa or Melissa; with the actress text messaging her husband because she was having a baby. What is the song and who is the artist?

That's the Allman Brothers "Melissa". Vocals are Gregg Allman.
# 26 18 years ago

i love the song and the commercial
# 27 18 years ago

> > It is 'Sweet Melissa' by the Allman Brothers. Ever since I saw the commercial, I have been trying to listen to it off the internet.My youngest daughter is Melyssa and I want to sing it to her.
> > Who sings that song My Sweet Melissa or Melissa; with the actress text messaging her husband because she was having a baby. What is the song and who is the artist?
> Who was the male actor in the commercial receiving the text message, where can I go to find a picture of him in the commercial.
# 28 18 years ago

> > > It is 'Sweet Melissa' by the Allman Brothers. Ever since I saw the commercial, I have been trying to listen to it off the internet.My youngest daughter is Melyssa and I want to sing it to her.
> > > Who sings that song My Sweet Melissa or Melissa; with the actress text messaging her husband because she was having a baby. What is the song and who is the artist?
> >
> >
> > Who was the male actor in the commercial receiving the text message, where can I go to find a picture of him in the commercial.
# 29 18 years ago

> > > > It is 'Sweet Melissa' by the Allman Brothers. Ever since I saw the commercial, I have been trying to listen to it off the internet.My youngest daughter is Melyssa and I want to sing it to her.
> > > > Who sings that song My Sweet Melissa or Melissa; with the actress text messaging her husband because she was having a baby. What is the song and who is the artist?
> > >

His name is Julian Stone and you can see some pictures of him on IMDB if you search using his name.
> > >
> > > Who was the male actor in the commercial receiving the text message, where can I go to find a picture of him in the commercial.
> >
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