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Song From The CK Eternity Moment Commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

Please!... can anyone tell me the name of the song in the Eternity MomentCommercial?!!!
# 2 19 years ago

It's a song called In The Sun by Joseph Arthur, have a copy if you want it emailed to you?

> Please!... can anyone tell me the name of the song in the Eternity MomentCommercial?!!!
# 3 19 years ago

> Please!... can anyone tell me the name of the song in the Eternity MomentCommercial?!!!
# 4 19 years ago

> Please!... can anyone tell me the name of the song in the Eternity MomentCommercial?!!!
> the song is called "what the world needs now is love"... there are lots of people who sings it... there's jackie deshannon, coldplay, burt bacharach, etc...
# 5 18 years ago

> > Please!... can anyone tell me the name of the song in the Eternity MomentCommercial?!!!

Answer: "What the World Needs Now is Love"
Coldplay, Burt Bucharan, Dionne Warwick, or Carpenters
# 6 18 years ago

can anyone help me find the name of the group or song with the lyrics
"boys will be boys, and whatever happened to the boys of ..."
it's not boys of summer by don henley, but male singer, sort of slow. popular during the early 80's.
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