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Honda Hybrid Commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

Does anyone know the song that plays in the latest honda Hybrid commercial. The ad displays two different objects/people, followed by the outcome of a coupling.

# 2 19 years ago

I've been going nuts for months myself, trying to figure this one out. That 30-second snippet of a song is just brilliant! But after a little more digging, it seems that it's an original piece by one J. Ralph, who composes music for TV commercials among other things. Supposedly he'll be releasing the tune sometime this year; one would assume as a complete song. Hopefully it'll stand up to what we've already heard. You can check out this and other music he's done on his website
# 3 19 years ago

No but have been searching.. Do you mean the piano tune? I have had no luck... but please let me know if you find it...Thanx
# 4 18 years ago

> I've been going nuts for months myself, trying to figure this one out. That 30-second snippet of a song is just brilliant! But after a little more digging, it seems that it's an original piece by one J. Ralph, who composes music for TV commercials among other things. Supposedly he'll be releasing the tune sometime this year; one would assume as a complete song. Hopefully it'll stand up to what we've already heard. You can check out this and other music he's done on his website
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