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Song from Peugeot 206 commercial (Indian)

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# 31 21 years ago

Raja Mushtaq - Heaven Is a Place on Earth

# 32 21 years ago

Its Bangra nights, from Bangra nights featruring Raul...
# 33 20 years ago

his name is Bangra Knights
# 34 20 years ago

Does anyone have this commercial? I live in USA and I really want it badly. I saw it in England last January and it is the best commercial I have ever seen. I have tons of songs, or movies that I will share for this.
# 35 20 years ago

> Hi, I'm trying to find the name of the artist who sings the indian song at the end of the Peugeot 206 commercial with the Indian guy who lets an elephant sit on his car to convert it to a P206. Anyone?
The song is called 'Bald 'n Spikey' by the Bangrah Knights vs Husan

# 36 20 years ago

The artist in Bangra Knights and the title is Bangra Nights

# 37 20 years ago

Bangra Knights
# 38 20 years ago

bhangra knight
bhangra knights - husan (white) chew fu phat remix
# 39 20 years ago

> Hi, I'm trying to find the name of the artist who sings the indian song at the end of the Peugeot 206 commercial with the Indian guy who lets an elephant sit on his car to convert it to a P206. An
His name is Raja Mustaq, and you will find the song at Kaaza

# 40 20 years ago

Bhangra Knights vs Husan - Husan

> Hi, I'm trying to find the name of the artist who sings the indian song at the end of the Peugeot 206 commercial with the Indian guy who lets an elephant sit on his car to convert it to a P206. Anyone?

# 41 20 years ago

the artist name is raja mushtaq
# 42 20 years ago

hehe i'm looking for the same !
# 43 20 years ago

in fact i just found the answer:
Bhangra Knights vs Husan - 'Husan' (White): Now signed to Positiva. This white includes the Chew Fu Phat Mix, in addition to the oiginal.
# 44 20 years ago

> Hi, I'm trying to find the name of the artist who sings the indian song at the end of the Peugeot 206 commercial with the Indian guy who lets an elephant sit on his car to convert it to a P206. Anyone?
I was not able to find it on kazaa (full version) but it's a start.Use that link
# 45 20 years ago

> Hi, I'm trying to find the name of the artist who sings the indian song at the end of the Peugeot 206 commercial with the Indian guy who lets an elephant sit on his car to convert it to a P206. Anyone?'s.htm#admusic
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