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A Listerine mouthwash commercial!!

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# 1 19 years ago

Ok, here's a hard one..

There's a guy in a Listerine commercial that I saw during a visit to USA, it was showed about year 2001 or something.. a long time ago, I know, but I wish there's someone out there that knows a way that I can see the clip again, or at least photos, is it possible??

The guy has dark hair, beard stubble and looks into the camera while gurgling and washing his mouth (making funny faces) with this listerine mouthwash or something. Help me please!!
# 2 19 years ago

> i know who you're talking about. that guy was definitely one of the hottest guys i've ever seen. if u find a way to get pictures, clips, etc., please let me know, too.
# 3 19 years ago

I just saw the commerical this week. It's still playing in the USA.
# 4 19 years ago

I know what commercial you're talking about!! I JUST saw it. I don't know how to record it on the VCR and get it into the computer, but when i enter my video camera footage in, i'll record a little of the commercial on the screen and see if i can get it on here. i hope i can help!
# 5 19 years ago

I know the listerine guy and may be able to help out!!
> > i know who you're talking about. that guy was definitely one of the hottest guys i've ever seen. if u find a way to get pictures, clips, etc., please let me know, too.
# 6 19 years ago

his name is Tony Daly
# 7 19 years ago

> Ok, here's a hard one..
> There's a guy in a Listerine commercial that I saw during a visit to USA, it was showed about year 2001 or something.. a long time ago, I know, but I wish there's someone out there that knows a way that I can see the clip again, or at least photos, is it possible??
> The guy has dark hair, beard stubble and looks into the camera while gurgling and washing his mouth (making funny faces) with this listerine mouthwash or something. Help me please!!
# 8 19 years ago

i'm trying to figure it out too, any answers?
# 9 18 years ago

>hi nina i was wondering if you found any clips or pics on that listerine guy that gargles while making funny faces....if you did can you tell me where to find them?


Ok, here's a hard one..
> There's a guy in a Listerine commercial that I saw during a visit to USA, it was showed about year 2001 or something.. a long time ago, I know, but I wish there's someone out there that knows a way that I can see the clip again, or at least photos, is it possible??
> The guy has dark hair, beard stubble and looks into the camera while gurgling and washing his mouth (making funny faces) with this listerine mouthwash or something. Help me please!!
# 10 18 years ago

easy, go to and click on see our commercial, it then plays this one commercial
# 11 17 years ago

> Ok, here's a hard one..
> There's a guy in a Listerine commercial that I saw during a visit to USA, it was showed about year 2001 or something.. a long time ago, I know, but I wish there's someone out there that knows a way that I can see the clip again, or at least photos, is it possible??
> The guy has dark hair, beard stubble and looks into the camera while gurgling and washing his mouth (making funny faces) with this listerine mouthwash or something. Help me please!!
# 12 17 years ago

> > Ok, here's a hard one..
> >
> > There's a guy in a Listerine commercial that I saw during a visit to USA, it was showed about year 2001 or something.. a long time ago, I know, but I wish there's someone out there that knows a way that I can see the clip again, or at least photos, is it possible??
> >
> > The guy has dark hair, beard stubble and looks into the camera while gurgling and washing his mouth (making funny faces) with this listerine mouthwash or something. Help me please!!
# 13 17 years ago

> I know what commercial you're talking about!! I JUST saw it. I don't know how to record it on the VCR and get it into the computer, but when i enter my video camera footage in, i'll record a little of the commercial on the screen and see if i can get it on here. i hope i can help!
# 14 17 years ago

> > Ok, here's a hard one..
> >
> > There's a guy in a Listerine commercial that I saw during a visit to USA, it was showed about year 2001 or something.. a long time ago, I know, but I wish there's someone out there that knows a way that I can see the clip again, or at least photos, is it possible??
> >

haha of course i love him its steve jasgur
# 15 17 years ago

> > I know what commercial you're talking about!! I JUST saw it. I don't know how to record it on the VCR and get it into the computer, but when i enter my video camera footage in, i'll record a little of the commercial on the screen and see if i can get it on here. i hope i can help!
Does anyone know what kind of dog Duke is the the listerine commerical. He's great.
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