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Levi's Commercial "Pool Boy" -circa 1996

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# 1 21 years ago

In this lavish, filmic ad, a woman gives the pool boy the key to her heart (also the key to her room), which causes her hidebound husband to sic thugs on the kid. After a chase, some rough treatment and a narrow escape, the key remains hidden. VO: 'Reason 050: the fifth pocket, overlooked since 1873.'
Now, I think the musician is 'Soul II Soul' but I'm not sure. If anyone could help me find out the name of the song that is playing in the background, YOU ARE THE GREATEST!!!! Also, I know this commercial is sort of, well, 'old' but I been trying for quite a while. I hope you can do your best.
Which reminds me, I need to shave. :)
# 2 21 years ago

> In this lavish, filmic ad, a woman gives the pool boy the key to her heart (also the key to her room), which causes her hidebound husband to sic thugs on the kid. After a chase, some rough treatment and a narrow escape, the key remains hidden. VO: 'Reason 050: the fifth pocket, overlooked since 1873.'
: Now, I think the musician is 'Soul II Soul' but I'm not sure. If anyone could help me find out the name of the song that is playing in the background, YOU ARE THE GREATEST!!!! Also, I know this commercial is sort of, well, 'old' but I been trying for quite a while. I hope you can do your best.
: Which reminds me, I need to shave. :)

# 3 20 years ago

You're right, the artist is soul II soul and the song is 'Zion'. It's off their Volume V CD 'Believe' not a good CD but that's a great song and great commercial. Good luck finding the song anywhere to download, I've been searching forever (bought the cd quite awhile ago and it got stolen). :(
> In this lavish, filmic ad, a woman gives the pool boy the key to her heart (also the key to her room), which causes her hidebound husband to sic thugs on the kid. After a chase, some rough treatment and a narrow escape, the key remains hidden. VO: 'Reason 050: the fifth pocket, overlooked since 1873.'
: Now, I think the musician is 'Soul II Soul' but I'm not sure. If anyone could help me find out the name of the song that is playing in the background, YOU ARE THE GREATEST!!!! Also, I know this commercial is sort of, well, 'old' but I been trying for quite a while. I hope you can do your best.
: Which reminds me, I need to shave. :)

# 4 11 years ago
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