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Asian Commercials

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# 1 19 years ago

Short story: I'm looking for commercials of BMW, Toyota, Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola, Nike and Adidas that are aired in Asian countries.

Long story:
My Name is Jeffrey Wong and I'm a Master student at the University Maastricht (The Netherlands) where I study Master of Science in International Business.

I'm now conducting my final part of my study, my thesis. A part of my research is to gather and analyze TV-commercials of 6 brands (BMW, Toyota, Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola, Nike & Adidas). I have to see whether cultural dimensions have an influence on the way commercials of a brand are executed in 3 countries.
I've selected three countries of which the cultures differ a lot. The Netherlands, USA and a Asian country, but I can't seem to find commercials of these 6 brands that are aired in Asian countries. Can someone tell me where I can find "Asian" commercials?

Thanks in advance.
# 2 19 years ago

> Short story: I'm looking for commercials of BMW, Toyota, Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola, Nike and Adidas that are aired in Asian countries.
> Long story:
> My Name is Jeffrey Wong and I'm a Master student at the University Maastricht (The Netherlands) where I study Master of Science in International Business.
> I'm now conducting my final part of my study, my thesis. A part of my research is to gather and analyze TV-commercials of 6 brands (BMW, Toyota, Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola, Nike & Adidas). I have to see whether cultural dimensions have an influence on the way commercials of a brand are executed in 3 countries.
> I've selected three countries of which the cultures differ a lot. The Netherlands, USA and a Asian country, but I can't seem to find commercials of these 6 brands that are aired in Asian countries. Can someone tell me where I can find "Asian" commercials?
> Thanks in advance.
# 3 19 years ago

i study almost the same subject and i have the same problems
but i found TV commercials fo coca cola but not for toyota
see the link :
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