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Love Actually Instrumental still not the song

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# 1 19 years ago

what is that song its an instrumental in "Love Actually" the film in the end when the little boy is in the airport and he is running to find the girl he likes and when the guy is lead to the girl he wants to marry by her dad and a crowed it is the climax of the movie i guess and is a big scene. what is that song?? i also heard it in a the aviator trailor in in the end.. what is that song and its not the PM's got to love it (good song but not what im lookin for
# 2 19 years ago

I think it's the Glasgow Love Theme
# 3 19 years ago

> what is that song its an instrumental in "Love Actually" the film in the end when the little boy is in the airport and he is running to find the girl he likes and when the guy is lead to the girl he wants to marry by her dad and a crowed it is the climax of the movie i guess and is a big scene. what is that song?? i also heard it in a the aviator trailor in in the end.. what is that song and its not the PM's got to love it (good song but not what im lookin for
# 4 19 years ago

no its not Glasgow Love Theme or PM's got to love it what is that song its in love actually when the kid is in the airport chasing that girl in the end its a happy song what is it
# 5 19 years ago

no its not Glasgow Love Theme or PM's got to love it what is that song its in love actually when the kid is in the airport chasing that girl in the end its a happy song what is it
# 6 19 years ago

Its Craig Armstrong. He was the film composer. Youll have to buy the soundtrack if you want it.
# 7 19 years ago

I found it on my downloading program, it's called the presidential love theme, or PM love theme, from Love Actually.
# 8 18 years ago

> what is that song its an instrumental in "Love Actually" the film in the end when the little boy is in the airport and he is running to find the girl he likes and when the guy is lead to the girl he wants to marry by her dad and a crowed it is the climax of the movie i guess and is a big scene. what is that song?? i also heard it in a the aviator trailor in in the end.. what is that song and its not the PM's got to love it (good song but not what im lookin for
# 9 18 years ago

> what is that song its an instrumental in "Love Actually" the film in the end when the little boy is in the airport and he is running to find the girl he likes and when the guy is lead to the girl he wants to marry by her dad and a crowed it is the climax of the movie i guess and is a big scene. what is that song?? i also heard it in a the aviator trailor in in the end.. what is that song and its not the PM's got to love it (good song but not what im lookin for
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