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Music Video featuring astronaut and "Hair/Let The Sunshine" music

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# 1 20 years ago

It used samples/all the music from 'let the sun shine' (Hair the musical); featured an astronaut walking/crawling his way across a 'desert' to a 'mirage' of a couple of people enjoying cool drinks...
I thought it was by 'Groove Control' but can't find it :-(
Any help would be great...thanks

# 2 10 years ago

I am looking for the exact same song that you are looking for I've been looking for well over 5 years and its one of the best dance songs of the 90's. sadly I haven't gotten any closer to finding it.If I find it ill surly let you know.
# 3 10 years ago

Milk & Sugar - Let The Sunshine (no astronaut...)

5th Dimension - Aquarius / Let The Sunshine In (from 1969, too old)

Army of lovers - Let the sunshine (no astronaut...)

Marcus Malone / Let the sunshine in (rock)

Dance Nation / Sunshine (different song)

The 49ers - Let The Sunshine In feat. Ann-Marie Smith (no video?)

- sorry, not idea...
# 4 8 years ago

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